- wimp
- [wımp] n прост.
1. скучный человек, зануда2. безответный человек; баба (о мужчине); тряпка, слизняк3. обыватель, мещанин4. девка, бабёнка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
wimp — wimp; WIMP; wimp·i·ly; wimp·i·ness; wimp·ish; wimp·ish·ly; wimp·ish·ness; … English syllables
WIMP — (von englisch Weakly Interacting Massive Particles, deutsch „schwach wechselwirkende massereiche Teilchen“, Wortspiel zu engl. wimp = Schwächling) sind hypothetische Teilchen der Teilchenphysik mit einer Masse zwischen einigen zehn und etwa… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Wimp — (von englisch Weakly Interacting Massive Particles, deutsch „schwach wechselwirkende massereiche Teilchen“, Wortspiel zu engl. wimp = Schwächling) sind hypothetische Teilchen mit einer Masse im Bereich zwischen einigen zehn und etwa tausend… … Deutsch Wikipedia
wimp´y — wimp «wihmp», noun. Slang. an unassertive person usually considered weak and awkward: »Part of being a wimp is feeling sorry for yourself (Maclean s). ╂[origin uncertain] –wimp´y, adjective. WIMP «no pehrihods; pronounced wihmp», noun. Nuclear… … Useful english dictionary
Wimp — may refer to: * A physical or emotional weakling (considered to be derived from J. Wellington Wimpy, a character in the Popeye cartoon series). WIMP, as an acronym, may refer to: * Weakly interacting massive particle, a hypothetical class of… … Wikipedia
wimp — /wimp/, Informal. n. 1. a weak, ineffectual, timid person. v. 2. wimp out, a. to be or act like a wimp. b. to show timidity or cowardice; chicken out. [1915 20, Amer.; orig. uncert.; cf. WHIMPER] * * * … Universalium
wimp — [wimp] Slang n. [< ?] a weak, ineffectual, or insipid person wimp out to back down or succumb because of fear, timidity, or weakness wimpish adj. wimpy adj. wimpier, wimpiest … English World dictionary
wimp — informal ► NOUN ▪ a weak and cowardly person. ► VERB (wimp out) ▪ withdraw from something in a cowardly way. DERIVATIVES wimpish adjective wimpy adjective. ORIGIN origin uncertain, perhaps from WHIMPER( … English terms dictionary
WIMP — [wimp] n. [w(eakly) i(nteracting) m(assive) p(article)] a hypothetical, electrically neutral, massive subatomic particle that interacts with other matter by means of the weak interaction … English World dictionary
WIMP — /wimp/, n. any of a group of weakly interacting elementary particles predicted by various unified field theories, as the W particle and Z zero particle, that are characterized by relatively large masses. [1985 90; W(eakly) I(nteracting) M(assive) … Universalium
WIMP — (weakly interacting massive particles) Partículas de gran masa, simétricas de las actualmente conocidas, que sólo sufren interacciones débil y gravitatoria, y son candidatas a constituir la materia oscura fría (cold dark matter) … Enciclopedia Universal