- wild sow
- [͵waıldʹsaʋ]
дикая свинья, самка кабана
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
wild — See: RUN WILD, SOW ONE S WILD OATS … Dictionary of American idioms
wild — See: RUN WILD, SOW ONE S WILD OATS … Dictionary of American idioms
wild — See: run wild, sow one s wild oats … Словарь американских идиом
sow your wild oats — phrase if a man sows his wild oats, he has many sexual relationships, especially when he is young Thesaurus: to have sexsynonym sexual activityhyponym Main entry: sow * * * sow your (wild) oats … Useful english dictionary
sow your oats — sow your (wild) oats see ↑sow, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑oat sow your (wild) oats : to have many sexual relationships particularly when you are young He sowed his wild oats in his younger years, but he s married now and has a family. • • • Main E … Useful english dictionary
sow one's wild oats — go through a period of wild or promiscuous behaviour while young. → oat sow one s wild oats see oat. → wild oat … English new terms dictionary
sow (your) wild oats — sow (your) wild ˈoats idiom (of young men) to go through a period of wild behaviour while young, especially having a lot of romantic or sexual relationships • He wants to leave home, sow his wild oats and learn about life. Main entry: ↑sowidiom … Useful english dictionary
sow one's wild oats — {v. phr.} To do bad or foolish things, especially while you are young. * /Mr. Jones sowed his wild oats while he was in college, but now he is a wiser and better man./ … Dictionary of American idioms
sow one's wild oats — {v. phr.} To do bad or foolish things, especially while you are young. * /Mr. Jones sowed his wild oats while he was in college, but now he is a wiser and better man./ … Dictionary of American idioms
sow your wild oats — sow (your) wild oats if a young man sows his wild oats, he has a period of his life when he does a lot of exciting things and has a lot of sexual relationships. He d spent his twenties sowing his wild oats but felt that it was time to settle down … New idioms dictionary
sow wild oats — sow (your) wild oats if a young man sows his wild oats, he has a period of his life when he does a lot of exciting things and has a lot of sexual relationships. He d spent his twenties sowing his wild oats but felt that it was time to settle down … New idioms dictionary