blood relation blood relative
Смотреть что такое "blood relation blood relative" в других словарях:
blood relative — blood rel·a·tive n: a relative by common descent compare affine Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. blood relative … Law dictionary
blood relative — noun one related by blood or origin; especially on sharing an ancestor with another (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑blood relation, ↑cognate, ↑sib • Derivationally related forms: ↑cognate (for: ↑cognate) … Useful english dictionary
blood relative — blood relation, person related by birth … English contemporary dictionary
blood relative — Synonyms and related words: agnate, ancestry, blood, blood relation, clansman, cognate, collateral, collateral relative, connections, consanguinean, distaff side, distant relation, enate, family, flesh, flesh and blood, folks, german, kin,… … Moby Thesaurus
blood relative — noun A person who is related to another through a common ancestor, and not merely by marriage or adoption. See Also: blood relation … Wiktionary
blood relative — see blood relation … English dictionary
relation — I (connection) noun affiliation, affinity, alliance, analogy, applicability, appositeness, apposition, association, bearing, bond, closeness, cognation, comparableness, connation, connaturalness, connexion, correlation, correspondence, homology,… … Law dictionary
blood relation — blood relations also blood relative N COUNT A blood relation or blood relative is someone who is related to you by birth rather than by marriage … English dictionary
relation — relation, relationship, relatives As nouns, relation and relative both mean ‘a person related by blood or by marriage’, and both are idiomatic in the plural. For some reason, however, relation is the normal choice in the explicit context of… … Modern English usage
blood relation — (also blood relative) ► NOUN ▪ a person who is related to another by birth rather than by marriage … English terms dictionary
blood relation — or blood relative n. a person related to another by birth rather than by marriage or adoption … English World dictionary