
[ʹwıðə] adv арх.
1. inter куда?

whither are we drifting? - куда нас относит?

whither goest thou? - а) куда идёшь?; б) библ. камо грядеши?

2. поэт. куда?; зачем?; для чего?

whither, o splendid ship? - куда держишь путь, дивный корабль?

whither Britain? - куда идёт Англия?

3. rel (туда) куда

the place whither they went - место, куда они пошли

4. conj (туда) куда

I see whither your question tends - я вижу, к чему вы клоните

let them go whither they will - пусть идут, куда хотят

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "whither" в других словарях:

  • Whither — Whith er, adv. [OE. whider. AS. hwider; akin to E. where, who; cf. Goth. hvadr[=e] whither. See {Who}, and cf. {Hither}, {Thither}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To what place; used interrogatively; as, whither goest thou? Whider may I flee? Chaucer. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • whither — [hwith′ər, with′ər] adv. [ME whider < OE hwider: see WHAT & HITHER] to what place, point, condition, result, etc.? where?: used to introduce questions [whither are we drifting?] conj. 1. to which place, point, condition, result, etc.: used… …   English World dictionary

  • whither — O.E. hwider, from P.Gmc. *khwi who (see WHO (Cf. who)) + der as in HITHER (Cf. hither) and THITHER (Cf. thither). Cf. Goth. hvadre …   Etymology dictionary

  • whither — archaic or literary ► ADVERB 1) to what place or state? 2) what is the likely future of? 3) to which (with reference to a place). 4) to whatever place. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • whither — [[t](h)wɪ̱ðə(r)[/t]] QUEST Whither means to where. [LITERARY or OLD FASHIONED] Who are you and whither are you bound? Syn: where CONJ SUBORD Whither is also a conjunction. They knew not whither they went. PRON REL Whither is also a relative… …   English dictionary

  • whither — I. adverb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hwider; akin to Latin quis who and to Old English hider hither more at who, hither Date: before 12th century 1. to what place < whither will they go > 2. to what situation, position, degree,… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • WHITHER — adv. & conj. archaic adv. 1 to what place, position, or state? 2 (prec. by place etc.) to which (the house whither we were walking). conj. 1 to the or any place to which (go whither you will). 2 and thither (we saw a house, whither we walked).… …   Useful english dictionary

  • whither — 1. adverb To which place. The wagon jolted on, carrying me I knew not whither. 2. conjunction To which place And with the same grave countenance he hurried through his breakfast and drove to the police station, whither the body had been carried.… …   Wiktionary

  • whither — whith|er [ˈwıðə US ər] adv [: Old English; Origin: hwider] 1.) old use to which place = ↑where ▪ the place whither he went 2.) formal used to ask what the future of something will be or how it will develop ▪ Whither socialism? →↑whence …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • whither — adverb old use 1 a word meaning to which , used when talking about places: the place whither he went 2 a word meaning where 3 formal a word used to ask what the future of something will be or how it will develop: Whither socialism? compare whence …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • whither — whence, whither Both words have centuries of history behind them and were once routine in their respective meanings ‘from which place’ and ‘to which place’, but in current use they are regarded as archaic or at least highly formal, although they… …   Modern English usage

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