- whitefly
- [ʹwaıtflaı] n энт.
белокрылка (Aleyrodidae)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
whitefly — ► NOUN ▪ a minute winged bug covered with powdery white wax, damaging plants by feeding on sap and coating them with honeydew … English terms dictionary
whitefly — ☆ whitefly [hwīt′flī΄, wīt′flī΄ ] n. pl. whiteflies any of a family (Aleyrodidae) of tiny homopteran insects having scalelike larvae and winged adults covered with a white, powdery wax … English World dictionary
Whitefly — Taxobox name = Whitefly image width = 250px image caption = Whiteflies ( Trialeurodes vaporariorum ) regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Homoptera subordo = Sternorrhyncha superfamilia = Aleyrodoidea familia =… … Wikipedia
whitefly — /hwuyt fluy , wuyt /, n., pl. whiteflies. any of several plant sucking, homopterous insects of the family Aleyrodidae, having the body and wings dusted with a white, powdery wax, and being widely distributed chiefly in tropical regions where they … Universalium
whitefly — /ˈwaɪtflaɪ/ (say wuytfluy) noun a sap sucking winged insect, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, related to the aphid; often found on the underside of the leaves of vegetable and fruit trees where they deposit a honeydew that promotes sooty mould. Also,… …
whitefly — noun Date: 1813 any of numerous small homopterous insects (family Aleyrodidae) that are injurious plant pests … New Collegiate Dictionary
whitefly — noun Any of various small insects of the family Aleyrodidae that have long wings, and a white body; often a garden pest … Wiktionary
whitefly — n. plant sucking whitish insect that is related to scale insects … English contemporary dictionary
whitefly — noun (plural same or whiteflies) a minute winged bug covered with powdery white wax, damaging plants by feeding on sap and coating them with honeydew. [Family Aleyrodidae: many species.] … English new terms dictionary
whitefly — white•fly [[t]ˈ(h)waɪtˌflaɪ, ˈwaɪt [/t]] n. pl. flies ent any of several widespread plant sucking insects of the family Aleyrodidae, having the body and wings dusted with a white, powdery wax • Etymology: 1885–90 … From formal English to slang
whitefly — n. (pl. flies) any small insect of the family Aleyrodidae, having wings covered with white powder and feeding on the sap of shrubs, crops, etc … Useful english dictionary