- whitebait
- [ʹwaıtbeıt] n
1) малёк; мелкая или молодая рыба; молодь2) снеток
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Whitebait — White bait , n. (Zo[ o]l.) (a) The young of several species of herrings, especially of the common herring, esteemed a great delicacy by epicures in England. (b) A small translucent fish ({Salanx Chinensis}) abundant at certain seasons on the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
whitebait — [hwīt′bāt΄, wīt′bāt΄] n. pl. whitebait 1. any of the fry of various silvery fishes used as food, as herring fry ☆ 2. a smelt fish (Allosmerus elongatus) of the Pacific 3. SILVERSIDE … English World dictionary
Whitebait — (engl., spr. ūaitbet) und Whitebaitdinner, s. Hering, S. 209 … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Whitebait — (engl., spr. weitbeht), kleiner, zu den Heringen gehöriger Weißfisch in der Themse, gilt gebacken als Delikatesse … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
whitebait — ► NOUN ▪ the small silvery white young of herrings, sprats, and similar marine fish as food … English terms dictionary
Whitebait — This article is concerned with whitebait as the juvenile of various species of fish around the world; for other uses of the term see whitebait (disambiguation). Whitebait are young fish; in Europe the term applies to young herring, but in other… … Wikipedia
whitebait — noun Date: 1758 1. the young of any of several European herrings and especially of the common herring (Clupea harengus) or of the sprat (Sprattus sprattus) 2. any of various small fishes likened to the European whitebait and used as food … New Collegiate Dictionary
whitebait — /hwuyt bayt , wuyt /, n., pl. whitebait. 1. a young sprat or herring. 2. Cookery. any small, delicate fish cooked whole without being cleaned, esp. the sprat. [1750 60; WHITE + BAIT, so called from use as bait] * * * … Universalium
whitebait — white|bait [ˈwaıtbeıt] n [U] very young fish of several types, used as food ▪ deep fried whitebait … Dictionary of contemporary English
whitebait — noun (U) very young fish of several types, used as food: deep fried whitebait … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
whitebait — /ˈwaɪtbeɪt / (say wuytbayt) noun (plural whitebait) fish fry of species such as the Derwent smelt or the inanga, commonly deep fried in a light coating of flour. {white + bait, from the former use of such fry caught in the Thames as bait} …