- white sale
- [͵waıtʹseıl]
распродажа постельного и столового белья
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
white sale — ➔ sale * * * white sale UK US noun [C] US ► COMMERCE a period during which a store sells goods at much lower prices than usual: »At our white sales you can save up to 55% … Financial and business terms
white sale — white ,sale noun count AMERICAN a sale of things such as sheets and TOWELS in a store … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
white sale — white′ sale n. a sale of sheets and other linens • Etymology: 1920–25 … From formal English to slang
white sale — n. a sale of household linens … English World dictionary
white sale — noun a sale of household linens • Hypernyms: ↑sale, ↑cut rate sale, ↑sales event * * * noun : a sale of white goods * * * a sale of sheets, pillowcases, and other white goods. [1920 25] * * * white sale noun A sale of linen goods at reduced… … Useful english dictionary
White sale — A white sale is a marketing strategy where a store steeply discounts its merchandise to increase sales during a short period of time. OriginsIn 1878, John Wanamaker of Philadelphia department store fame decreed January to be the time for a white… … Wikipedia
white sale — {n.} The selling, especially at lower prices, of goods or clothing usually made of white cloth. * /Mother always buys many things at the January white sale to save money./ … Dictionary of American idioms
white sale — {n.} The selling, especially at lower prices, of goods or clothing usually made of white cloth. * /Mother always buys many things at the January white sale to save money./ … Dictionary of American idioms
white\ sale — noun the selling, especially at lower prices, of goods or clothing usually made of white cloth. Mother always buys many things at the January white sale to save money … Словарь американских идиом
white sale — an occasion when concessions are freely given There is recurrent heavy discounting by retailers of white goods, bedlinen, and domestic appliances. Some figurative use: I got him everything. It was a white sale at the U.S. Attorney s… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
white sale — selling at reduced prices of towels, linens, etc. We went to the white sale at the department store last Saturday … Idioms and examples