- white dwarf
- [͵waıtʹdwɔ:f] астр.
белый карлик (тип звезды)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
White Dwarf — Pays Royaume Uni Langue Anglais Français Périodicité Mensuelle Prix au numéro … Wikipédia en Français
White Dwarf — es una revista publicada por la empresa multinacional británica Games Workshop. Es una revista sobre modelismo dedicada exclusivamente a los juegos de miniaturas producidos por Games Workshop, principalmente Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Warhammer 40 … Wikipedia Español
White Dwarf — White Dwarf, zu deutsch Weißer Zwerg, ist ein muskelkraftbetriebenes Prallluftschiff. Es wurde etwa 1984 von Bill Watson und anderen für die Komödianten Gallagher gebaut und besaß einen Pedalantrieb. Es kann nur den Piloten aufnehmen. Das Schiff… … Deutsch Wikipedia
white dwarf — white′ dwarf′ n. astron. a star that is approximately the size of the earth, has undergone gravitational collapse, and is in the final stage of evolution for low mass stars, beginning hot and white and ending cold and dark(black dwarf) •… … From formal English to slang
white dwarf — n. a planet sized, very dense, collapsed star, the fuel of which has been exhausted: initially very bright and hot, it gradually evolves into a black dwarf … English World dictionary
white dwarf — n technical a hot star, near the end of its life, that is more solid but less bright than the sun →↑red giant … Dictionary of contemporary English
white dwarf — noun count TECHNICAL a star that does not shine very brightly and is at the end of its life … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
White dwarf — For other uses, see White dwarf (disambiguation). Image of Sirius A and Sirius B taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. Sirius B, which is a white dwarf, can be seen as a faint pinprick of light to the lower left of the much brighter Sirius A … Wikipedia
white dwarf — noun a faint star of enormous density • Syn: ↑white dwarf star • Hypernyms: ↑star * * * noun : a whitish star of high surface temperature and very low intrinsic brightness usually with a mass about comparable to that of the sun but of such small… … Useful english dictionary
white dwarf — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms white dwarf : singular white dwarf plural white dwarfs astronomy a star that does not shine very brightly and is at the end of its life … English dictionary
White Dwarf — Обложка одного из номеров Белый Карлик (англ. White Dwarf) журнал, издаваемый британской компанией производителем настольных игр Games Workshop. Издается начиная с 1977 года. Вначале был посвящен разнообразным ролевым играм, позднее… … Википедия