
[ʹwımzık(ə)l] a
1. причудливый, прихотливый; фантастический
2. капризный; эксцентричный

to be whimsical in one's manner - вести себя очень странно

he is whimsical in his ways - он человек с причудами

he was whimsical about the matter - он стал из-за этого капризничать

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "whimsical" в других словарях:

  • Whimsical — Whim si*cal, a. [From {Whimsey}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Full of, or characterized by, whims; actuated by a whim; having peculiar notions; queer; strange; freakish. A whimsical insult. Macaulay. [1913 Webster] My neighbors call me whimsical. Addison.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Whimsical — may refer to: * Whimsical, the 1906 winner of the Preakness Stakes * Whimsical, a song by Days of the New from their 1997 album Days of the New (also known as the Orange album ) * Whimsical, a Norwegian musician …   Wikipedia

  • whimsical — index arbitrary and capricious, capricious, original (creative) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • whimsical — 1650s, from WHIMSY (Cf. whimsy). Related: Whimsically …   Etymology dictionary

  • whimsical — [adj] playful, fanciful amusing, arbitrary, capricious, chancy, chimerical, comical, curious, dicey, droll, eccentric, erratic, fantastic, flaky*, freakish, funny, kinky*, mischievous, odd, peculiar, quaint, queer*, quizzical, singular, uncertain …   New thesaurus

  • whimsical — ► ADJECTIVE 1) playfully quaint or fanciful. 2) acting or behaving in a capricious manner. DERIVATIVES whimsicality noun whimsically adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • whimsical — [hwim′zi kəl, wim′zi kəl] adj. 1. full of or characterized by whims or whimsy 2. oddly out of the ordinary; fanciful; freakish 3. subject to sudden change; unpredictable whimsically adv …   English World dictionary

  • whimsical — whimsically, adv. /hwim zi keuhl, wim /, adj. 1. given to whimsy or fanciful notions; capricious: a pixyish, whimsical fellow. 2. of the nature of or proceeding from whimsy, as thoughts or actions: Her writing showed whimsical notions of human… …   Universalium

  • whimsical — [[t](h)wɪ̱mzɪk(ə)l[/t]] ADJ GRADED A whimsical person or idea is unusual, playful, and unpredictable, rather than serious and practical. McGrath remembers his offbeat sense of humor, his whimsical side... His graphic art became slighter and more… …   English dictionary

  • whimsical — whim|si|cal [ wımzıkl, hwımzıkl ] adjective 1. ) made or done for fun, not seriously: a whimsical design 2. ) slightly strange or old fashioned: his whimsical smile ╾ whim|si|cal|ly [ wımzıkli, hwımzıkli ] adverb …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • whimsical — adjective 1) a whimsical sense of humor Syn: fanciful, playful, mischievous, waggish, quaint, quizzical, curious, droll; eccentric, quirky, idiosyncratic, unconventional, outlandish, queer, fey; informal offbeat, freaky 2) …   Thesaurus of popular words

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