- whiggish
- [ʹwıgıʃ] a преим. пренебр.
1) ист. виговский; характерный для вигов2) либеральный, широкий (о взглядах и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Whiggish — Whig gish, a. Of or pertaining to Whigs; partaking of, or characterized by, the principles of Whigs. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Whiggish — Whig ► NOUN historical 1) a member of the British reforming party that sought the supremacy of Parliament, succeeded in the 19th century by the Liberal Party. 2) a supporter of the American Revolution. 3) a 17th century Scottish Presbyterian.… … English terms dictionary
whiggish — gish, gēsh adjective Usage: sometimes capitalized : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a Whig : inclined toward Whiggery whiggish principles … Useful english dictionary
Whiggish — adjective Date: 1684 1. characteristic of Whigs or Whiggery 2. of, relating to, or characterized by a view which holds that history follows a path of inevitable progression and improvement and which judges the past in light of the present … New Collegiate Dictionary
Whiggish — Whiggishly, adv. Whiggishness, n. /hwig ish, wig /, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Whigs or Whiggism. 2. inclined to Whiggism. [1670 80; WHIG + ISH1] * * * … Universalium
whiggish — adjective Characteristic of a Whig; liberal … Wiktionary
whiggish — whig·gish … English syllables
Whiggish — /ˈwɪgɪʃ/ (say wigish) adjective characteristic of a Whig, especially having reformist or liberal political opinions. {Whig + g + ish1} –Whiggishly, adverb –Whiggishness, noun …
Whig history — or Whiggish historiography presents the past as an inevitable progression towards ever greater liberty and enlightenment, culminating in modern forms of liberal democracy and constitutional monarchy. In general, Whig historians stress the rise of … Wikipedia
Whig (British political faction) — The Whigs (with the Tories) are often described as one of two political parties in England and later the United Kingdom from the late 17th to the mid 19th centuries. It is more accurate to describe the original two ideas as loose groupings, or… … Wikipedia
Gaspée Affair — The Gaspée Affair was a significant event in the American Revolution. HMS Gaspée , a British revenue schooner that had been vigorously enforcing unpopular trade regulations, ran aground in shallow water, on June 9, 1772 near what is now known as… … Wikipedia