- wheyface
- [ʹweıfeıs] n
человек с бледным, бескровным лицом
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Wheyface — Whey face , n. One who is pale, as from fear. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wheyface — [hwā′fās΄, wā′fās΄] n. [ WHEY + FACE] 1. a pale or pallid face 2. a person having such a face wheyfaced adj … English World dictionary
wheyface — wheyfaced, adj. /hway fays , way /, n. a face that or a person who is pallid, as from fear. [1595 1605; WHEY + FACE] * * * … Universalium
wheyface — whey•face [[t]ˈ(h)weɪˌfeɪs, ˈweɪ [/t]] n. a face that or a person who is pallid, as from fear • Etymology: 1595–1605 whey′faced , adj … From formal English to slang
wheyface — /ˈweɪfeɪs/ (say wayfays) noun a face or a person that is pallid, as from fear. –wheyfaced, adjective …
wheyface — wheyfaced, adj. /hway fays , way /, n. a face that or a person who is pallid, as from fear. [1595 1605; WHEY + FACE] … Useful english dictionary
coward — I (Roget s IV) n. Syn. poltroon, craven, recreant, dastard, cur, wheyface, sneak, faintheart, mollycoddle, milksop, milquetoast, baby, shirker, deserter, bully, blusterer, weakling, panicmonger, scaramouch, alarmist, caitiff, pessimist,… … English dictionary for students
coward — n poltroon, dastard, craven, recreant, Archaic. caitiff, Archaic. niddering; yellowbelly, mouse, baby, big baby, wheyface, invertebrate, Inf. jellyfish, Inf. fraidy cat, Inf. scaredy cat, Inf. nervous nellie, Sl. chicken, Sl. weak sister; sissy,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
craven — adj 1. cowardly, poltroon, dastardly, base, recreant, Archaic. niddering, Archaic. caitiff; pusillanimous, timorous, timid, fearful, afraid, frightened, afraid of one s shadow, faint hearted, lily livered, white livered, Inf. chicken hearted, Inf … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
poltroon — n coward, dastard, craven, recreant, Archaic. caitiff, Archaic. niddering, man with the white feather, lily livered or white livered coward, craven coward; yellowbelly, mouse, baby, big baby, wheyface, invertebrate, Inf. jellyfish, backbone of… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
recreant — adj 1. cowardly, craven, dastardly, base, Archaic. niddering, Archaic. caitiff; pusillanimous, timorous, timid, nervous, fearful, afraid, scared, scary, frightened, afraid of one s shadow, cowering; spineless, weak, uncourageous, unmanly, weak… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder