wellchosen — … Useful english dictionary
Henriqueta Lisboa — (1901 ndash;1985) was a Brazilian writer. She was awarded the Prêmio Machado de Assis for her lifetime achievement by the Brazilian Academy of Letters. She is famous for her wellchosen words to create powerful poems. Her early lyrics deal with… … Wikipedia
becoming — [adj1] flattering acceptable, agreeable, attractive, beautiful, comely, cute, effective, enhancing, excellent, fair, graceful, handsome, neat, nice, presentable, pretty, seemly, tasteful, welcome, wellchosen; concepts 579,589 Ant. indecorous,… … New thesaurus
felicitous — [adj] appropriate, suitable applicable, apposite, apropos, apt, convincing, fit, fitting, germane, happy, inspired, just, meet, neat, opportune, pat, pertinent, proper, propitious, relevant, seasonable, telling, timely, wellchosen, well timed;… … New thesaurus