- weepingly
- [ʹwi:pıŋlı] adv
со слезами; плачущим голосом; сквозь слёзы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Weepingly — Weep ing*ly, adv. In a weeping manner. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
weepingly — adverb In a weeping manner … Wiktionary
weepingly — adv. tearfully, while crying, while sobbing … English contemporary dictionary
weepingly — weep·ing·ly … English syllables
weepingly — adverb Etymology: Middle English wepingly, from weping weeping + ly : in a weeping manner … Useful english dictionary
weeping — weepingly, adv. /wee ping/, adj. 1. expressing grief, sorrow, or any overwhelming emotion by shedding tears: weeping multitudes. 2. tearful; weepy: a weeping fit. 3. tending or liable to cry; given to crying. 4. dripping or oozing liquid. 5. (of… … Universalium
Time to Get Alone — is a song written by Brian Wilson for the American pop band The Beach Boys. It was released on their 1969 album 20/20 and was produced by Carl Wilson. [http://www.btinternet.com/ bellagio/albumarchive2.html 20/20 Credits] ] Recording Brian was… … Wikipedia
blubberingly — adv. weepingly, while crying noisily … English contemporary dictionary
cryingly — adv. weepingly, while crying, tearfully, sobbingly … English contemporary dictionary
tearfully — adv. cryingly, weepingly, blubberingly … English contemporary dictionary
weep — verb (past and past participle wept) 1》 shed tears. ↘archaic mourn for; shed tears over. 2》 exude liquid. 3》 [as adjective weeping] used in names of tree and shrub varieties with drooping branches, e.g. weeping cherry. noun a spell of… … English new terms dictionary