- weatherstrip
1> уплотнять (войлоком и т. п.) окна, двери; изолировать от
атмосферных воздействий (обивкой, наличниками)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
weatherstrip — ☆ weatherstrip [weth′ərstrip΄ ] n. a thin strip of metal, felt, wood, etc., used to cover the joint between a door or window sash and the jamb, casing, or sill so as to keep out drafts, rain, etc.: also weather strip vt. weatherstripped,… … Universalium
weatherstrip — ☆ weatherstrip [weth′ərstrip΄ ] n. a thin strip of metal, felt, wood, etc., used to cover the joint between a door or window sash and the jamb, casing, or sill so as to keep out drafts, rain, etc.: also weather strip vt. weatherstripped,… … English World dictionary
weatherstrip — A rubber seal fitted to the body, e.g., along a door aperture or trunklid, to prevent water, air, and moisture from getting into the interior of the body. Also see window weatherstrip … Dictionary of automotive terms
weatherstrip — 1. noun A narrow piece of material used to prevent cold air from entering a building through the edge of a window or a door. Syn: draughtproofing 2. verb To apply such a strip. Syn: draughtproof … Wiktionary
weatherstrip — n. strip of metal or felt covering the joint between a door or window and the casing to keep out drafts v. fit a window or a door with a felt or metal strip in order to prevent drafts … English contemporary dictionary
weatherstrip — N. Amer. noun a strip of rubber, metal, etc. used to seal the edges of a door or window against rain and wind. verb (weatherstrips, weatherstripping, weatherstripped) apply such a strip to. Derivatives weatherstripping noun … English new terms dictionary
weatherstrip — See: weather strip … English dictionary
weatherstrip — weath′er•strip or weath′er strip n. bui a narrow strip of metal, wood, rubber, or the like placed between a door or window sash and its frame to exclude rain, wind, etc • Etymology: 1840–50, amer. weath′er strip , v.t. stripped, strip•ping … From formal English to slang
weatherstrip — I noun a narrow strip of material to cover the joint of a door or window to exclude the cold • Syn: ↑weather strip, ↑weather stripping, ↑weatherstripping • Hypernyms: ↑strip, ↑slip II … Useful english dictionary
window weatherstrip — A rubber or moquette sealing strip fitted in the gap on either side of a sliding door window to seal the door gutter and prevent water getting into the interior of the door frame … Dictionary of automotive terms
Weatherstripping — is the process of sealing openings such as doors, windows, and trunks from the elements. The goal of weatherstripping is to prevent rain and water from entering by either blocking it outright or by blocking most of it and returning or rerouting… … Wikipedia