
1. [ʹweðə] n
1. погода

fine [fair, dirty, dull, foul] weather - хорошая [ясная, ненастная, пасмурная, отвратительная] погода

broken weather - неустойчивая /переменная/ погода

rough weather - непогода, буря, ненастье

flying [non-flying] weather - ав. лётная [нелётная] погода

thawing weather - оттепель

greasy weather - мор. туманная погода, туман

in all weather(s) - в любую погоду

2. дождь, гроза, буря, шторм, непогода

to make good [bad] weather of it - мор. хорошо [плохо] выдерживать шторм (о судне)

under stress of weather - вследствие неблагоприятной погоды, из-за штормов

protection against the weather - защита от непогоды, холода и т. п.

3. мор. наветренная сторона

to have the weather (of) - идти с наветренной стороны

to drive with the weather - дрейфовать по волнам и ветру

4. с.-х. наклон плоскости крыла ветряка

April weather - а) неустойчивая погода; то солнце, то дождь; б) изменчивое настроение; смех и слёзы

King's /Queen's/ weather - отличная погода; солнечный день

in the weather - под открытым небом

under the weather - а) нездоровый, больной; б) в подавленном настроении; переживающий неприятности; в) без денег; г) амер. пьяный, подвыпивший

to make heavy weather of smth. - разг. а) чрезмерно напрягаться, прилагать излишние усилия; б) раздувать трудности, осложнять дело

to make heavy weather of the simplest tasks - превращать простейшие задачи в сложные проблемы

to have the weather of smb. - иметь преимущество перед кем-л.

2. [ʹweðə] a
1. 1) относящийся к погоде

weather sign - примета погоды

weather ageing - старение под воздействием атмосферных условий

2) спец. метеорологический; синоптический

weather message /report/ - метеосводка

weather observation - метеорологическое наблюдение

weather officer - воен. офицер метеослужбы

2. мор. наветренный

weather roll - крен на наветренный борт (при качке)

3. [ʹweðə] v
1. выдержать, пережить, вынести (тж. weather out, weather through)

to weather a storm [a financial crisis] - выдержать шторм [финансовый кризис]

2. мор. проходить на ветре (тж. weather on)
3. оставлять под открытым небом; подвергать(ся) атмосферным воздействиям
4. геол.
1) выветривать
2) выветриваться

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Смотреть что такое "weather" в других словарях:

  • Weather — Weath er, n. [OE. weder, AS. weder; akin to OS. wedar, OFries. weder, D. weder, we[^e]r, G. wetter, OHG. wetar, Icel. ve[eth]r, Dan. veir, Sw. v[ a]der wind, air, weather, and perhaps to OSlav. vedro fair weather; or perhaps to Lith. vetra storm …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Weather — Weath er, a. (Naut.) Being toward the wind, or windward opposed to lee; as, weather bow, weather braces, weather gauge, weather lifts, weather quarter, weather shrouds, etc. [1913 Webster] {Weather gauge}. (a) (Naut.) The position of a ship to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Weather — Weath er, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Weathered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Weathering}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To expose to the air; to air; to season by exposure to air. [1913 Webster] [An eagle] soaring through his wide empire of the air To weather his broad… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • weather — [weth′ər] n. [ME weder < OE, akin to ON vethr, Ger wetter < IE base * we , * awe , to blow > WIND2, OSlav vedro, fair weather] 1. the general condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and place, with regard to the temperature,… …   English World dictionary

  • weather — (n.) O.E. weder, from P.Gmc. *wedran (Cf. O.S. wedar, O.N. veðr, O.Fris., M.Du., Du. weder, O.H.G. wetar, Ger. Wetter storm, wind, weather ), from PIE *we dhro , weather, from root *we to blow (see WIND (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

  • Weather or No — is a one act comic opera, styled a musical duologue , by Bertram Luard Selby with a libretto by Adrian Ross and William Beach. It was produced at the Savoy Theatre from 10 August 1896 to 17 February 1897 as a companion piece to The Mikado , and… …   Wikipedia

  • weather — ► NOUN 1) the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards temperature, wind, rain, etc. 2) (before another noun ) denoting the side from which the wind is blowing; windward. Contrasted with LEE(Cf. ↑lee). ► VERB 1) wear away or change… …   English terms dictionary

  • weather — weath‧er [ˈweDə ǁ ər] verb [transitive] if a company, business etc weathers a difficult situation, it manages to come through it safely: • Small businesses were less able to weather the recession. • The company has weathered the slump better than …   Financial and business terms

  • Weather — assisted migration blizzaster climate porn Fogust geomythology gigantic jet Marchuary megacryometeor …   New words

  • Weather — Weath er, v. i. To undergo or endure the action of the atmosphere; to suffer meteorological influences; sometimes, to wear away, or alter, under atmospheric influences; to suffer waste by weather. [1913 Webster] The organisms . . . seem… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • weather — [n] atmospheric conditions climate, clime, elements; concepts 522,524 weather [v] endure acclimate, bear the brunt of*, bear up against*, become toughened, brave, come through, expose, get through, grow hardened, grow strong, harden, make it,… …   New thesaurus

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