- wearable
- 1. [ʹwe(ə)rəb(ə)l] n обыкн. pl
предмет одежды2. [ʹwe(ə)rəb(ə)l] aпригодный для носки; уместный для ношения
this hat is simply not wearable - в этой шляпе никуда нельзя показаться
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
this hat is simply not wearable - в этой шляпе никуда нельзя показаться
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
wearable — [wer′ə bəl] adj. that can be worn; suitable for wear n. [pl.] wearable things; garments; clothing wearability n … English World dictionary
Wearable — Wear a*ble, a. Capable of being worn; suitable to be worn. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wearable — [[t]we͟ərəb(ə)l[/t]] ADJ GRADED Wearable clothes are practical, comfortable, and suitable for ordinary people to wear, rather than being very unusual or extreme. It s fashionable but wearable, and it s easy to look after … English dictionary
wearable — I noun a covering designed to be worn on a person s body • Syn: ↑clothing, ↑article of clothing, ↑vesture, ↑wear, ↑habiliment • Derivationally related forms: ↑wear ( … Useful english dictionary
wearable — (WAYR.uh.bul) n. A computer designed to be worn as an item of clothing or as a wardrobe accessory. Example Citation: The big hit of the wearables show...are MicroOptical s LCD eyeglasses, which contain a concealed electronic display in their… … New words
wearable — adj. Wearable is used with these nouns: ↑computer … Collocations dictionary
wearable — wear ► VERB (past wore; past part. worn) 1) have on one s body as clothing, decoration, or protection. 2) exhibit or present (a particular facial expression or appearance). 3) damage or destroy or suffer damage or destruction by friction or use.… … English terms dictionary
Wearable computer — Wearable computers are computers that are worn on the body. They have been applied to areas such as behavioral modeling, health monitoring systems, information technologies and media development. Wearable computers are especially useful for… … Wikipedia
Wearable Computer — Wearable Computing (engl. tragbare Datenverarbeitung) ist das Forschungsgebiet, das sich mit der Entwicklung von tragbaren Computersystemen (Wearable Computer) beschäftigt. Ein Wearable Computer wiederum ist ein Computersystem, das während der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Wearable Computing — (engl. tragbare Datenverarbeitung) ist das Forschungsgebiet, das sich mit der Entwicklung von tragbaren Computersystemen (Wearable Computer) beschäftigt. Ein Wearable Computer wiederum ist ein Computersystem, das während der Anwendung am Körper… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Wearable art — See also art jewelry. Wearable art, also known as Artwear or art to wear , refers to individually designed pieces of (usually) hand made clothing or jewelry created as fine or expressive art. While the making of any article of clothing or other… … Wikipedia