- weaponry
- [ʹwepənrı] n воен.
вооружение, боевая техника
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Weaponry — Weap on*ry, n. Weapons, collectively; as, an array of weaponry. [Poetic] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
weaponry — 1844, from WEAPON (Cf. weapon) + RY (Cf. ry) … Etymology dictionary
weaponry — [wep′ən rē] n. [ WEAPON + RY] 1. the design and production of weapons 2. weapons collectively; esp., a nation s stockpile of weapons of war … English World dictionary
weaponry — noun Weapons, collectively; as, an array of weaponry. See Also: conventional weaponry, Egyptian … Wiktionary
weaponry — [[t]we̱pənri[/t]] N UNCOUNT Weaponry is all the weapons that a group or country has or that are available to it. ...rich nations, armed with superior weaponry … English dictionary
weaponry — weap|on|ry [ˈwepənri] n [U] weapons of a particular type or belonging to a particular country or group ▪ nuclear weaponry … Dictionary of contemporary English
weaponry — noun (U) a word meaning weapons, used especially when talking about particular types of weapons: nuclear weaponry … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
weaponry — weapon ► NOUN 1) a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage. 2) a means of gaining an advantage or defending oneself. DERIVATIVES weaponry noun. ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
Weaponry in Dale Brown novels — The weapons used by the aircraft and commandos in Dale Brown Novels are very advanced and are based on other proposed technologies. Air Launched Weaponry The air launched weapons in Dale Brown novels are powerful and usually many years in the… … Wikipedia
Weaponry of Blade — In all of his incarnations, Blade uses a vast array of weaponry specifically designed to eliminate vampires.ComicsTomb of Dracula*According to his earliest appearances in the original Tomb of Dracula comics, Blade relied on teakwood daggers which … Wikipedia
weaponry — noun Date: 1844 1. weapons 2. the science of designing and making weapons … New Collegiate Dictionary