
[wi:ld] n
1. поэт.
1) лес, чаща
2) нетронутые, невозделанные пространства, особ. на возвышенности
2. (the Weald) Уилд (район Англии, в который входят части графств Кент, Суссекс, Суррей, Гэмпшир)
3. (weald) геол. вельд

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "weald" в других словарях:

  • Weald — Weald, n. [AS. See {Wold}.] A wood or forest; a wooded land or region; also, an open country; often used in place names. [1913 Webster] Fled all night long by glimmering waste and weald, And heard the spirits of the waste and weald Moan as she… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • weald — [wēld] n. [readoption of OE (WS) weald (ME weeld), forest, wold, wilderness < PGmc * walthu: see VOLE1] Old Poet. 1. a wooded area; forest 2. wild open country The Weald region in SE England, south of London, between the North & South Downs:… …   English World dictionary

  • weald — O.E. (W.Saxon) weald forest, woodland, specifically the forest between the North and South Downs in Sussex, Kent, and Surrey; a W.Saxon variant of Anglian wald (see WOLD (Cf. wold)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Weald|en — «WEEL duhn», adjective. of or having to do with a series of deposits of the Lower Cretaceous in England. ╂[< (the) Weald, an area in England + en2] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Weald — (spr. ŭīld), s. Wealdenformation …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Weald — The Weald (PronEng|wɪəld) is the name given to a physiographic area in south east England situated between the parallel chalk escarpments of the North and the South Downs. It should be regarded in two separate parts: the sandstone High Weald in… …   Wikipedia

  • Weald — 51° 00′ N 0° 24′ E / 51, 0.4 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Weald — Das englische Wort weald [wiːld] bedeutete im Allgemeinen einen dichten Wald, im Speziellen ist es der Name eines ausgedehnten Waldgebietes, das sich seit Vorzeiten in den Grafschaften Sussex und Kent, England, zwischen den North Downs und den… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • weald — noun Etymology: the Weald, England, from Middle English weeld, from Old English weald forest more at wold Date: before 12th century 1. a heavily wooded area ; forest < the Weald of Kent > 2. a wild or uncultivated usually upland region …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • weald — 1. m ( a/ a) forest, weald, wood, grove; bushes, foliage; 2. m ( a/ a) power, dominion, mastery (usu. geweald); groin; 3. adj powerful; 4. conj in case; weald þeah perhaps, possibly …   Old to modern English dictionary

  • Weald — This English surname recorded in many spellings including: Wilde, Whilde, Wylde, Wyldes, Weald, Weild, Weld, Welds, Wyeld, Wield, and others, has two possible origins. The first is or rather was, a medieval nickname for a high spirited, or over… …   Surnames reference

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