
1. [blıp] n
1. радио отражённое изображение или выброс сигнала (на экране)
2. элк. оптическая поисковая метрика (на экране)
2. [blıp] v
1. радио появиться на экране (о сигнале)
2. ав. жарг. идти на контакте
3. тлв. исключать часть звучания из видеозаписи

swearwords were blipped by a censor - по требованию цензора бранные слова были выброшены

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "blip" в других словарях:

  • — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda es un servicio de videos compartidos diseñado para los creadores de contenidos generados por usuarios. provee a los creadores de contenidos en vídeo alojamiento web gratuito, da soporte a una gran… …   Wikipedia Español

  • blip — [blɪp] noun [countable] a change in which a situation gets worse for a short time, and then usually gets better again soon afterwards: • These are definitely not short term investments and not for anyone who panics every time there is a blip in… …   Financial and business terms

  • blip — [blip] 1. n. an intermittently appearing light on a radar screen. □ A blip caught the controller’s eye for an instant. □ Did you see that blip, Freddy? 2. n. anything quick and insignificant; a onetime thing of little importance. □ It was nothing …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • blip — lip n. 1. (Radar) a spot of light on a radar screen, showing the position of a reflecting surface, such as an airplane or ship. Note: this sense is also used metaphorically to mean a barely perceptible object;, Kennedy s candidacy was a mere… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blip — /blip/, n., v., blipped, blipping. n. 1. Also called pip. Electronics. a. a spot of light on a radar screen indicating the position of a plane, submarine, or other object. b. (loosely) any small spot of light on a display screen. 2. a brief… …   Universalium

  • blip — [blıp] n [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: From the sound of a sudden light hit] 1.) a short high electronic sound, or a flashing light on the screen of a piece of electronic equipment ▪ blips on a radar screen 2.) a short pause or change in a process or …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • blip — [ blıp ] noun count 1. ) a small flashing light on a computer screen or similar piece of equipment 2. ) usually singular INFORMAL a minor problem or delay that does not last very long: Analysts described the drop in stock prices as a temporary… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • blip — [blip] n. [echoic of a brief sound] 1. a luminous image on an oscilloscope, as one on a radar screen showing the location of an aircraft, ship, etc. 2. a quick, sharp sound 3. a slight change or variation 4. a brief, temporary interruption vi.… …   English World dictionary

  • blip — ► NOUN 1) a very short high pitched sound made by an electronic device. 2) an unexpected, minor, and usually temporary deviation from a general trend. 3) a small flashing point of light on a radar screen. ► VERB (blipped, blipping) ▪ (of an… …   English terms dictionary

  • blip — (n.) 1894, in reference to a kind of popping sound, of echoic origin. Radar screen sense is from 1945. As a verb from 1924. Related: Blipped; blipping …   Etymology dictionary

  • blip — blȉp m <N mn blìpovi> DEFINICIJA fiz. svjetlosni ili zvučni signal (npr. na radaru o kretanju vozila) ETIMOLOGIJA engl …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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