warmup — /wawrm up /, n. 1. an act or instance of warming up: The spectators came early to watch the players go through their warmups. The dancers went through a quick warmup. 2. the period before a radio or television broadcast when the audience is… … Universalium
warmup — warm′up or warm′ up n. 1) an act or instance of warming up: dancers going through a quick warmup[/ex] 2) rtv the time lapse between turning on the power in an electronic component or device and the time it is operable 3) clo Often, warmups. any… … From formal English to slang
warmup — /wawrm up /, n. 1. an act or instance of warming up: The spectators came early to watch the players go through their warmups. The dancers went through a quick warmup. 2. the period before a radio or television broadcast when the audience is… … Useful english dictionary
Warmup — Warm up auch: Warm|up 〈[wɔ:mʌ̣p] n. 15〉 oV Warming up 1. 〈Sp.〉 1.1 Phase kurz vor einem Autorennen, die zum Warmlaufenlassen der Motoren dient 1.2 Phase des Warmlaufens bei Sprintern, Fußballern u. a. 2. 〈TV〉 einleitender Teil eines Werbespots od … Universal-Lexikon
warmup — n. act or process of warming up; time spent warming up; warm up suit, suit of comfortable clothing worn before or during an athletic activity … English contemporary dictionary
warmup jacket — noun A jacket with an elasticated waist and a zipper up the front, worn by athletes while training; worn by others as a fashion accessory, usually carrying a team logo … Wiktionary
Italienischer Meister (Eishockey) — Warmup vor dem Spiel des SV Ritten Renon gegen den HC Bozen im Dezember 2006 Die Serie A (vollständiger Name: la Serie A di hockey su ghiaccio, auch: Serie A1) ist die höchste Eishockey Profiliga Italiens. Die Liga wurde 1924 gegründet und wird… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Serie A (Eishockey) — Warmup vor dem Spiel des SV Ritten Renon gegen den HC Bozen im Dezember 2006 Die Serie A (vollständiger Name: la Serie A di hockey su ghiaccio, auch: Serie A1) ist die höchste Eishockey Profiliga Italiens. Die Liga wurde 1924 gegründet und wird… … Deutsch Wikipedia
WMUP — Warmup (Community » Sports) … Abbreviations dictionary
Figure skating competition — A figure skating competition is a judged sports competition in figure skating. Contents 1 Types of figure skating competitions 1.1 International 1.2 National 1.3 Other … Wikipedia
Dance Central — Developer(s) Harmonix Music Systems Publisher(s) MTV Games … Wikipedia