walleyed — (adj.) c.1300, wawil eghed, wolden eiged, having very light colored eyes, also having parti colored eyes, from O.N. vagl eygr having speckled eyes, from vagl speck in the eye. Meaning having one or both eyes turned out (and thus showing much… … Etymology dictionary
walleyed — [wôl′īd΄] adj. [altered by folk etym. < ME wawil eyed < ON valdeygthr, altered < vagl eygr < vagl, a beam (> Swed vagel, sty) + eygr, having eyes, akin to EYE] 1. having one or both eyes with a whitish iris or white, opaque cornea… … English World dictionary
walleyed — adjective having divergent strabismus • Ant: ↑cross eyed * * * īd adjective Etymology: by folk etymology (influence of wall) (I) from Middle English wawil eghed, part translation of Old Norse vagl eygr walleyed, from vagl beam, roost, beam in the … Useful english dictionary
walleyed — adjective Etymology: by folk etymology from Middle English wawil eghed, part translation of Old Norse vagl eygr walleyed, from vagl beam (akin to Greek ochleus bar, Old English wegan to move, carry) + eygr eyed more at way Date: 15th century 1.… … New Collegiate Dictionary
walleyed — /wawl uyd /, adj. 1. having eyes in which there is an abnormal amount of the white showing, because of divergent strabismus. 2. having large, staring eyes, as some fishes. 3. marked by excited or agitated staring of the eyes, as in fear, rage,… … Universalium
walleyed perch — walleyed pike or walleyed perch, a large, edible North American freshwater game fish, a pike perch, with large, staring eyes (in the southern United States also called blowfish) … Useful english dictionary
walleyed pike — ☆ walleyed pike n. WALLEYE (sense 5b) … English World dictionary
walleyed herring — walleyed herring, = alewife. (Cf. ↑alewife) … Useful english dictionary
walleyed pollack — walleyed pollack, a black North American pollack of the Pacific coast with large, prominent eyes … Useful english dictionary
walleyed surf fish — walleyed surf fish, a black marine fish of the California coast with large, prominent eyes … Useful english dictionary
walleyed pike — noun pike like freshwater perches • Syn: ↑walleye, ↑jack salmon, ↑dory, ↑Stizostedion vitreum • Hypernyms: ↑pike perch, ↑pike perch • Hyponyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary