
[ʹwɔ:kaʋt] n разг.
1. забастовка, стачка

national walkout - всеобщая забастовка

2. воен.
1) дезертирство
2) самовольная отлучка
3. 1) демонстративный уход (с заседания и т. п.)
2) выход из организации (в знак протеста)
4. амер. покупатель, ушедший без покупки

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "walkout" в других словарях:

  • walkout — walk‧out [ˈwɔːk aʊt ǁ ˈwɒːk ] also walk out noun [countable usually singular] HUMAN RESOURCES an occasion when workers stop working and leave their office or factory as a protest: • The talks broke off on Tuesday, prompting a nationwide walkout… …   Financial and business terms

  • walkout — walk·out / wȯk ˌau̇t/ n 1: strike 2: the action of leaving a meeting or organization as an expression of disapproval Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • walkout — ► NOUN ▪ a sudden angry departure, especially as a protest or strike …   English terms dictionary

  • walkout — ☆ walkout [wôk′out΄ ] n. 1. a strike of workers 2. an abrupt departure of people, as from a meeting, in a show of protest …   English World dictionary

  • walkout — n. 1) to stage a walkout 2) to end a walkout 3) a sympathy walkout * * * [ wɔːkaʊt] a sympathy walkout to end a walkout to stage a walkout (D; intr.) to walkout on (she walkouted out on her husband; to leave ) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Walkout — In labor disputes, a walkout is a labor strike, the act of employees collectively leaving the workplace as an act of protest.A walkout can also mean the act of leaving a place of work, school, a meeting, a company, or an organization, especially… …   Wikipedia

  • walkout — /wawk owt /, n. 1. a strike by workers. 2. the act of leaving or being absent from a meeting, esp. as an expression of protest. 3. a doorway in a building or room that gives direct access to the outdoors: a home with a sliding glass walkout from… …   Universalium

  • walkout — [[t]wɔ͟ːkaʊt[/t]] walkouts 1) N COUNT A walkout is a strike. 2) N COUNT If there is a walkout during a meeting, some or all of the people attending it leave in order to show their disapproval of something that has happened at the meeting. The… …   English dictionary

  • walkout — UK [ˈwɔːkˌaʊt] / US [ˈwɔkˌaʊt] noun [countable] Word forms walkout : singular walkout plural walkouts a form of protest in which someone leaves a place, or a group of workers stop working and leave the building …   English dictionary

  • walkout — noun (C) an occasion when people stop working or leave somewhere as a protest: stage a walkout: The Irish delegation staged a walk out in protest. see also: walk out walk 1 …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • walkout — noun workers staged a walkout at 10:45 this morning Syn: strike, stoppage, industrial action, job action, revolt, rebellion …   Thesaurus of popular words

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