walking tour

walking tour
туристический поход

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "walking tour" в других словарях:

  • walking tour — UK US noun [countable] [singular walking tour plural walking tours] tourism a trip on which you walk from one place to another, spend the night, and then continue walking the next day Thesaurus: types of holiday …   Useful english dictionary

  • walking tour — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms walking tour : singular walking tour plural walking tours tourism a trip on which you walk from one place to another, spend the night, and then continue walking the next day …   English dictionary

  • walking-tour — turistinis žygis statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Trumpa (1–3 dienų) arba ilgesnės trukmės išvyka iš anksto numatytu, turistų fizinį parengtumą ir amžių atitinkančiu maršrutu. Pagal atstumą, trukmę ir sudėtingumą turistiniai… …   Sporto terminų žodynas

  • walking-tour — žygis statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Kelionė mokymo, pažintiniu, sveikatos, fizinio rengimo ir fizinio parengtumo patikrinimo tikslu. atitikmenys: angl. march; walking tour vok. Wandern, n; Wanderung, f rus. поxод …   Sporto terminų žodynas

  • walking tour — пешеходная экскурсия pedestrian tour пешеходная прогулка, туристический поход …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

  • Dublin Street Art Walking Tour & Graffiti Workshop — The Dublin Street Art Walking Tour Graffiti Workshop is a walking tour through Dublin, Ireland taking in the cities magnificent graffiti and street art all along the way. The event ends with a live performance from a local graffiti artist and… …   Wikipedia

  • Discover Hartford Bicycling and Walking Tour — The Discover Hartford Bicycling and Walking Tour, Discover Hartford Tour, or Hartford Tour refers to an annual ride organized by the 501.c.3 [charitable organization] [http://www.wecyclect.org the Central Connecticut Bicycle Alliance] (CCBA) in… …   Wikipedia

  • A Walking Tour of the Shambles — infobox Book | name = A Walking Tour of the Shambles title orig = translator = image caption = author = Neil Gaiman and Gene Wolfe illustrator = cover artist = country = United States language = English series = genre = Fiction publisher =… …   Wikipedia

  • Walking Brooklyn — infobox Book | name = Walking Brooklyn: 30 Tours Exploring Historical Legacies, Neighborhood Culture, Side Streets, and Waterways title orig = translator = author = Adrienne Onofri cover artist = country = United States language = English series …   Wikipedia

  • walking — /waw king/, adj. 1. considered as a person who can or does walk or something that walks: The hospital is caring for six walking patients. He s walking proof that people can lose weight quickly. 2. used for or as an aid in walking: She put on her… …   Universalium

  • walking — n. & adj. in senses of WALK n. Phrases and idioms: walking delegate a trade union official who visits members and their employers for discussions. walking dictionary (or encyclopaedia) colloq. a person having a wide general knowledge. walking… …   Useful english dictionary

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