
1. [ʹwɔ:kıŋ] n
1. 1) ходьба

to be fond of walking - любить ходить пешком

I prefer walking to driving - я предпочитаю ходить, а не ездить

2) спортивная ходьба

walking judge - судья по спортивной ходьбе

2. походка
3. (пешеходная) дорога

easy walking - хорошая дорога (для пешехода)

there is a path up the mountain but it is rough walking - есть тропа на эту гору, но пройти по ней нелегко

the walking here is bad - дорога (для пешехода) здесь плохая

4. поведение; манера держаться

wary walking - осторожность, осмотрительность

2. [ʹwɔ:kıŋ] a
1. гуляющий, прохаживающийся, идущий пешком

it is within walking distance - туда можно дойти пешком

2. ходячий

walking case - а) мед. ходячий больной; б) воен. легкораненый

3. тех.
1) на шагающем ходу

walking excavator - шагающий экскаватор

2) ходовой

walking cultivator - с.-х. ходовой культиватор

walking plough - с.-х. ходовой плуг, висячий плуг (конный)

4. театр., кино немой

walking lady - статистка

walking gentleman - статист

walking part - роль без слов

5. являющийся (о привидении)
6. амер. сл. покупаемый навынос (в ресторане и т. п.)

walking dictionary /encyclopaedia/ - ходячая энциклопедия

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "walking" в других словарях:

  • Walking — (also called ambulation) is the main form of animal locomotion on land, distinguished from running and crawling. [http://www.runningplanet.com/training/running versus walking.html Walking v. running] [http://www.bartleby.com/28/15.html Walking by …   Wikipedia

  • Walking — Walk ing, a. & n. from {Walk}, v. [1913 Webster] {Walking beam}. See {Beam}, 10. {Walking crane}, a kind of traveling crane. See under {Crane}. {Walking fern}. (Bot.) See {Walking leaf}, below. {Walking fish} (Zo[ o]l.), any one of numerous… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • walking — [wôk′iŋ] adj. 1. a) that walks b) that is able to walk 2. for use by a walker, hiker, etc. 3. characterized by walking, hiking, etc. [a walking trip through Wales] 4. in human form [a walking encyclopedia ] …   English World dictionary

  • walking — (adj.) c.1400, prp. adjective from WALK (Cf. walk) (v.). Walking sickness, one in which the sufferer is able to get about and is not bed ridden, is from 1846. Walking wounded is recorded from 1917. Walking bass is attested from 1939 in jazz slang …   Etymology dictionary

  • Walking — (von englisch: to walk „gehen“ und entsprechend ausgesprochen) ist die freizeitsportliche Variante der wettkampforientierten Sportart Gehen. Eine moderne Variante ist das Nordic Walking, bei dem zusätzlich Stöcke – wie beim Skilanglauf –… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • walking — /waw king/, adj. 1. considered as a person who can or does walk or something that walks: The hospital is caring for six walking patients. He s walking proof that people can lose weight quickly. 2. used for or as an aid in walking: She put on her… …   Universalium

  • walking — n. & adj. in senses of WALK n. Phrases and idioms: walking delegate a trade union official who visits members and their employers for discussions. walking dictionary (or encyclopaedia) colloq. a person having a wide general knowledge. walking… …   Useful english dictionary

  • walking — /ˈwɔkɪŋ/ (say wawking) adjective 1. that walks; able to walk. 2. used for or in walking: walking shoes. 3. characterised by or consisting of walking: a walking holiday. 4. of or relating to an implement, machine, etc., drawn by an animal and… …  

  • walking — I. noun Date: 14th century 1. the action of one that walks < walking is good exercise > 2. the condition of a surface for one going on foot < the walking is slippery > II. adjective Date: 15th century 1 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • walking — walk•ing [[t]ˈwɔ kɪŋ[/t]] adj. 1) able to walk; ambulatory: walking patients[/ex] 2) living; live: He s walking proof that people can lose weight quickly[/ex] 3) designed esp. for walking: walking shoes[/ex] 4) characterized or accomplished by… …   From formal English to slang

  • walking — walk|ing1 [ˈwo:kıŋ US ˈwo:k ] n [U] 1.) especially BrE the activity or sport of going for walks, especially in the countryside or mountains →↑hiking, rambling ↑rambling ▪ We went walking in the hills. walking boots/shoes walking holiday/tour etc… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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