walk off

walk off
[ʹwɔ:kʹɒf] phr v
1. уходить; отходить от чего-л., отстраниться, устраниться
2. избавиться от неприятных эмоций или последствий

he started home in a mood of discouragement but soon walked it off - он отправился домой в подавленном настроении, но по пути вскоре приободрился

I've walked off the effects of my dinner - я прогулялся после обеда, чтобы не набрать веса

3. = walk away 3 и 4

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "walk off" в других словарях:

  • walk-off — a. (Baseball) Game ending and game winning; such as to end the game immediately, and allow the players to walk off the field; of hits, especially home runs, which occur in the last half of the ninth or a later inning, which put the home team ahe …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • walk|off — walk off or walk|off «WK cf>of, OF», noun. 1. the act of walking off: »The walk off is the bittersweet image by which, undoubtedly, Chaplin wishes to be remembered (Time). 2. an abrupt departure; walk out: »The 22 Springbok cricketers who held …   Useful english dictionary

  • walk off — index move (alter position) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • walk off — verb 1. take without permission (Freq. 1) he walked off with my wife! The thief walked off with my gold watch • Hypernyms: ↑steal • Verb Frames: Somebody s PP 2. go away from …   Useful english dictionary

  • walk off — phrasal verb Word forms walk off : present tense I/you/we/they walk off he/she/it walks off present participle walking off past tense walked off past participle walked off 1) [transitive] to get rid of a bad feeling or condition by going for a… …   English dictionary

  • walk off — v. (d; intr.) to walk off with ( to win ) (she walked off with the first prize) * * * [ wɔːk ɒf] (d; intr.) to walk off with (she walk offed off with the first prize; to win ) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • walk-off — /wawk awf , of /, n. Informal. a person who escapes easily, esp. by walking away from a place of detention; a walkaway: The guards rounded up the walk offs from the prison farm. [1935 40; n. use of v. phrase walk off] * * * …   Universalium

  • walk-off — /wawk awf , of /, n. Informal. a person who escapes easily, esp. by walking away from a place of detention; a walkaway: The guards rounded up the walk offs from the prison farm. [1935 40; n. use of v. phrase walk off] …   Useful english dictionary

  • walk-off — 1. adjective That drives in a run that ends a game. Scott Podsednik hit the twelfth walk off home run in World Series history on October 23rd, 2005. 2. noun a) A prisoner who escapes custody without violence by taking advantage of the opportunity …   Wiktionary

  • walk off the job — Ⅰ. walk off the job US ► to stop working and refuse to continue doing your job until your employer agrees to what you want: » Union members threatened to walk off the job unless their employer agreed to stop hiring work out to contractors. Main… …   Financial and business terms

  • Walk Off the Earth — Жанр Альтернативный рок Экспериментальный рок Ска Инди рок Регги Годы 2006 настоящее время …   Википедия

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