
1. [ʹbli:dıŋ] n
1. кровотечение

bleeding sickness - мед. кровоточивость, гемофилия

bleeding at the nose - кровотечение из носа

2. кровопускание
3. тех.
1) выпуск воздуха или газа из системы
2) спуск жидкости
4. тех. выпотевание
5. горн. суфлярное выделение (метана)
6. кино искажение изображения
7. метал. прорыв металла
8. лес. подсочка
2. [ʹbli:dıŋ] a
1. обливающийся, истекающий кровью
2. обескровленный, обессиленный

bleeding country - обескровленная страна

3. полный жалости, сострадания

with a bleeding heart - сердце, обливающееся кровью

bleeding words - слова, полные сострадания

the most bleeding pity - острая жалость

4. эвф. вм. bloody I 5

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "bleeding" в других словарях:

  • Bleeding Me — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Bleeding Me» Sencillo de Metallica del álbum Load Publicación 1997 Formato CD …   Wikipedia Español

  • Bleeding Me — Single par Metallica extrait de l’album Load Sortie 1996 Enregistrement 1995 1996 Durée 8:18 Genre Hard roc …   Wikipédia en Français

  • bleeding — (n.) late 14c., a flowing out of blood; mid 15c. as a drawing out of blood; verbal noun formed after earlier prp. adjective (early 13c.) of BLEED (Cf. bleed). Figurative use is from 1796. As a euphemism for BLOODY (Cf. bloody), from 1858. In U.S …   Etymology dictionary

  • Bleeding — Bleed ing, a. Emitting, or appearing to emit, blood or sap, etc.; also, expressing anguish or compassion. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bleeding — Bleed ing, n. A running or issuing of blood, as from the nose or a wound; a hemorrhage; the operation of letting blood, as in surgery; a drawing or running of sap from a tree or plant. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bleeding — ► ADJECTIVE Brit. informal ▪ used for emphasis, or to express annoyance …   English terms dictionary

  • Bleeding — Infobox Disease Name = Bleeding Caption = DiseasesDB = ICD10 = ICD9 = ICD9|456.20 ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = MeshID = Bleeding, technically known as hemorrhaging/haemorrhaging (see American and British spelling… …   Wikipedia

  • bleeding — n. 1) to staunch, stop (the) bleeding 2) heavy, profuse, uncontrollable bleeding 3) internal; menopausal bleeding 4) bleeding from (bleeding from the rectum) * * * [ bliːdɪŋ] menopausal bleeding stop (the) bleeding uncontrollable bleeding heavy.… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Bleeding Me — Single infobox Name = Bleeding Me Artist = Metallica from Album = Load B side = Bleeding Me (Radio edit) Released = 1997 Recorded = May 1995 February 1996 at The Plant Studios, Sausalito, California Genre = Hard rock Length = 8:18 Writer = Kirk… …   Wikipedia

  • bleeding — /blee ding/, n. 1. the act, fact, or process of losing blood or having blood flow. 2. the act or process of drawing blood from a person, esp. surgically; bloodletting. 3. the extension of color beyond an edge or border, esp. so as to combine with …   Universalium

  • bleeding — bleed|ing1 [ˈbli:dıŋ] n [U] the condition of losing blood from your body ▪ Use pressure to control the bleeding . ▪ The bleeding had almost stopped . ▪ He died of internal bleeding . severe/heavy bleeding (=when someone is losing a lot of blood)… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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