- bleb
- [bleb] n
1. волдырь, пузырь2. пузырёк (в стекле, воде)3. метал. пузырь, раковина4. pl мед. пузырчатка, пемфигус
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bleb — Bleb, n. [Prov. E. bleb, bleib, blob, bubble, blister. This word belongs to the root of blub, blubber, blabber, and perh. blow to puff.] A large vesicle or bulla, usually containing a serous fluid; a blister; a bubble, as in water, glass, etc.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bleb — bleb; bleb·bing; bleb·by; … English syllables
bleb — [bleb] n. [echoic: to represent the sound produced in forming a bubble with the lips] 1. a small swelling under the skin; a blister or vesicle 2. an air bubble, as in water or glass blebby adj … English World dictionary
bleb — (n.) c.1600, blister or swelling, imitative. Also used for bubble (1640s), protuberance on a cell surface (1962) … Etymology dictionary
bleb|by — «BLEHB ee», adjective. full of blebs … Useful english dictionary
Bleb — For the protrusion of cell membrane present during apoptosis and cell motility, please see Bleb (cell biology). In medicine, bleb is a large blister (usually approximately hemispherical) filled with serous fluid. Blebs can form in a number of… … Wikipedia
Bleb — A bladder like structure more than 5 mm in diameter with thin walls that may be full of fluid. Also called a bulla. * * * 1. A large flaccid vesicle. 2. An acquired lung cyst, usually less than 1 cm in diameter, similar to but smaller than a… … Medical dictionary
bleb — noun Etymology: perhaps alteration of blob Date: 1607 1. a small blister 2. bubble; also a small particle 3. something resembling a bleb; especially a vesicular … New Collegiate Dictionary
bleb — blebby, adj. /bleb/, n. 1. Med. a blister or vesicle. 2. a bubble. [1600 10; akin to BLOB, BLUBBER] * * * … Universalium
bleb — n. a blister or large vesicle. A filtering bleb is a blister like cyst underneath the conjunctiva resulting from trabeculectomy, a surgical procedure commonly used in the treatment of glaucoma … The new mediacal dictionary
bleb — [[t]blɛb[/t]] n. 1) med a blister or vesicle 2) a bubble • Etymology: 1600–10 bleb′by, adj … From formal English to slang