- waffle weave
- [ʹwɒf(ə)lwi:v] текст.
вафельное переплетение
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
waffle weave — noun : honeycomb 3b(1) * * * a textile weave that produces a textured pattern resembling the surface of a waffle. * * * waffle weave, a texture and appearance woven into a fabric, resembling small squares like those in a waffle. –waf´fle weave´,… … Useful english dictionary
waffle weave — a textile weave that produces a textured pattern resembling the surface of a waffle. * * * … Universalium
waffle-weave — /ˈwɒfəl wiv/ (say wofuhl weev) adjective 1. of or relating to a fabric, etc., woven to resemble a waffle. –noun 2. such a fabric …
waffle weave — waf′fle weave n. tex honeycomb 3), b) … From formal English to slang
waffle — вафельный waffle cloth вафельная ткань waffle weave вафельное переплетение waffle mix сухая смесь для вафельного теста … English-Russian travelling dictionary
Weave — (w[=e]v), v. t. [imp. {Wove} (w[=o]v); p. p. {Woven} (w[=o]v n), {Wove}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Weaving}. The regular imp. & p. p. {Weaved} (w[=e]vd), is rarely used.] [OE. weven, AS. wefan; akin to D. weven, G. weben, OHG. weban, Icel. vefa, Sw. v[… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
waffle — ☆ waffle1 [wä′fəl ] n. [Du wafel, akin to OHG waba, honeycomb, OE wefan, to WEAVE] a batter cake like a pancake but crisper, baked in a waffle iron, which gives it a gridlike surface adj. having a surface like that of a waffle: also waffled… … English World dictionary
waffle — {{11}}waffle (n.) 1744, from Du. wafel waffle, from M.Du. or M.L.G. wafel; cognate with O.H.G. waba honeycomb (Ger. Wabe) and related to O.H.G. weban, O.E. wefan to weave (see WEAVE (Cf. weave)). Sense of honeycomb is preserved in some… … Etymology dictionary
waf´fle-weave´ — waffle weave, a texture and appearance woven into a fabric, resembling small squares like those in a waffle. –waf´fle weave´, adjective … Useful english dictionary
waffle — I. noun Etymology: Dutch wafel, from Middle Dutch wafele; akin to Old High German waba honeycomb, Old English wefan to weave Date: 1744 a crisp cake of batter baked in a waffle iron II. intransitive verb (waffled; waffling) Etymology:… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Bathrobe — A pink bathrobe A bathrobe, dressing gown or housecoat is a robe. A bathrobe is usually made from towelling or other absorbent textile, and may be donned while the wearer s body is wet, serving both as a towel and an informal garment. A dressing… … Wikipedia