- vulcanization
- [͵vʌlkənaıʹzeıʃ(ə)n] n
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Vulcanization — (or Vulcanisation) refers to a specific curing process of rubber involving high heat and the addition of sulfur or other equivalent curatives. It is a chemical process in which polymer molecules are linked to other polymer molecules by atomic… … Wikipedia
vulcanization — [vul΄kə ni zā′shən] n. 〚/span> VULCANIZE + ATION〛 1. the process of treating crude rubber with sulfur or its compounds and subjecting it to heat in order to make it nonplastic and increase its strength and elasticity 2. a process somewhat like… … Universalium
Vulcanization — Vul can*i*za tion, n. [See {Vulcan}.] The act or process of imparting to caoutchouc, gutta percha, or the like, greater elasticity, durability, or hardness by heating with sulphur under pressure. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vulcanization — [vul΄kə ni zā′shən] n. [< VULCANIZE + ATION] 1. the process of treating crude rubber with sulfur or its compounds and subjecting it to heat in order to make it nonplastic and increase its strength and elasticity 2. a process somewhat like this … English World dictionary
vulcanization — vulkanizavimas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Kaučiuko perdirbimo į gumą procesas. atitikmenys: angl. vulcanization rus. вулканизация … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
vulcanization — vulkanizavimas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Terminis gumos gaminių taisymas. atitikmenys: angl. vulcanization rus. вулканизация … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
vulcanization — A chemical reaction which changes the physical properties of elastomers. The setting of rubber into a solid material by use of moderate heat and sulfur or a sulfur compound. Also see self vulcanization … Dictionary of automotive terms
vulcanization — The process whereby crude rubber is converted to a form fit for use in the manufacture of tires and other products of industry, one type of such process being known to the trade as cold vulcanization. Vultex Corp. v Heveatex Corp. (CAI Mass) 100… … Ballentine's law dictionary
vulcanization — vulcanize (also vulcanise) ► VERB ▪ harden (rubber or rubber like material) by treating it with sulphur at a high temperature. DERIVATIVES vulcanization noun … English terms dictionary
vulcanization — noun Date: 1846 the process of treating crude or synthetic rubber or similar plastic material chemically to give it useful properties (as elasticity, strength, and stability) … New Collegiate Dictionary
vulcanization — noun A process by which rubber is hardened using heat and sulphur. See Also: vulcanize, vulcanise … Wiktionary