- vulcan
- [ʹvʌlkən] n
1. 1) рим. миф. Вулкан2) кузнец2. (vulcan) поэт. пожар; пламя; вулканический огонь
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Vulcan — may refer to:Mythology*Vulcan (mythology), the blacksmith god of fire and volcanoes in Roman mythology **Hephaestus, the Greek god of smiths identified with Vulcan * Vulcan statue, the world s largest cast iron statue (of the god) and the city… … Wikipedia
Vulcan — (deutsch ‚Vulkan‘) bezeichnet: Vulcanus, römische Gottheit M61 Vulcan, Maschinenkanone AG Vulcan Stettin, ehemalige deutsche Werft Vulcan.NET, eine Programmiersprache Crichton Vulcan, ehemalige finnische Werft Vulcan ist der Name folgender… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Vulcan — es un brazo de desarrollo nacido del DBMS Firebird. Contenido 1 Objetivos 2 Nuevas características de Vulcan 3 SMP … Wikipedia Español
vulcan — VULCÁN, vulcani, s.m. 1. Ridicătură muntoasă de formă conică, formată prin erupţia la suprafaţa solului a lavei şi a unor produse magmatice, având în centru o deschizătură largă. ♢ expr. A sta (ca) pe un vulcan = a fi ameninţat de o primejdie, de … Dicționar Român
Vulcan — Vulcan: Содержание 1 Судоверфи 2 Механизмы 3 Оружие 4 В искусстве … Википедия
Vulcan — Vul can, n. [L. Vulcanus, Volcanus: cf. Skr. ulk[=a] a firebrand, meteor. Cf. {Volcano}.] (Rom. Myth.) The god of fire, who presided over the working of metals; answering to the Greek Heph[ae]stus. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Vulcan! — (1978) is a Star Trek novel by Kathleen Sky. According to David Gerrold, her husband Stephen Goldin was also involved in the writing, although not credited.Plot SummaryMr. Spock beams down to a crazy planet, full of murderous plots, in a… … Wikipedia
Vulcan [1] — Vulcan, 1) s. Vulcanus; 3) s. Vulkan … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Vulcan — Vulcan, bei den Griechen Hephästos, Sohn des Jupiter und der Juno, Gott des Feuers und der Feuerarbeiter, dargestellt als hinkend, bärtig, mit Mütze u. Hammer; Gemahl der Venus, welche ihm viele Streiche spielte … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Vulcan — god of fire and metal work in Roman mythology, 1510s, from L. Vulcanus, a word of Etruscan origin. Often with allusions to his lameness and the unfaithfulness of his wife, Venus. As the name of a hypothetical planet between Mercury and the Sun,… … Etymology dictionary
Vulcan — [vul′kən] n. [L Vulcanus, Volcanus] Rom. Myth. the god of fire and of metalworking: later identified with the Greek Hephaestus … English World dictionary