- blasty
- [ʹblɑ:stı] a
ветреный, с порывами ветра
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Blasty — Blast y, a. 1. Affected by blasts; gusty. [1913 Webster] 2. Causing blast or injury. [Obs.] Boyle. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
blasty — ˈblastē, laa , lai , lȧ , ti adjective (usually er/ est) Etymology: blast (I) + y 1. : subject to or marked by blasts especially of wind : gusty this bleak and blasty shore Nathaniel Hawthorne 2 … Useful english dictionary
blasty — Synonyms and related words: aeolian, airish, airy, blowy, blustering, blusterous, blustery, boreal, breezy, brisk, drafty, favonian, flawy, fresh, gusty, puffy, squally, windy … Moby Thesaurus
blasty — adj. affected by blasts; windy … English contemporary dictionary
-blasty — blas·ty … English syllables
-blasty — ˌblastē, laa , lai , ti noun combining form ( es) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from blastic + y : manner or condition of germinating heteroblasty … Useful english dictionary
Charizard — Charizard … Wikipedia
Yomo — Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografías, prensa diaria o páginas de Internet fidedignas. Puedes añadirlas así o avisar al autor principa … Wikipedia Español
blast — blaster, n. blasty, adj. /blast, blahst/, n. 1. a sudden and violent gust of wind: Wintry blasts chilled us to the marrow. 2. the blowing of a trumpet, whistle, etc.: One blast of the siren was enough to clear the street. 3. a loud, sudden sound… … Universalium
airy — Synonyms and related words: Barmecidal, Barmecide, Olympian, adulterated, aeolian, aerial, aeriform, aerodynamic, aerostatic, aery, air built, airish, airlike, airy, alfresco, altitudinous, animated, apparent, apparitional, ascending, asinine,… … Moby Thesaurus
blowy — Synonyms and related words: aeolian, airish, airy, blasty, blustering, blusterous, blustery, boreal, breezy, brisk, drafty, favonian, flawy, fresh, gusty, puffy, squally, windy … Moby Thesaurus