- vizier
- [vıʹzıə] n ист.
grand vizier - великий визирь
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
grand vizier - великий визирь
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
VizieR — es un servicio de catálogos astronómicos proporcionado por el Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS). El origen de VizieR se remonta a 1993, cuando surge el European Space Information System Catalogue Browser (ESIS) de la Agencia… … Wikipedia Español
Vizier — Viz ier, n. [Ar. wez[=i]r, waz[=i]r, properly, a bearer of burdens, a porter, from wazara to bear a burden: cf. F. vizir, visir. Cf. {Alguazil}.] A councilor of state; a high executive officer in Turkey and other Oriental countries. [Written also … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
VizieR — Catalogue Service электронная база данных астрономических объектов, принадлежащая Центру астрономических данных в Страсбурге. Появление базы данных датируется 1995 годом;[1] она была интегрирована в другие, уже существовавшие к тому времени… … Википедия
vizier — [vi zir′, viz′yər] n. [Turk vezīr < Ar wazīr, a vizier, lit., bearer of burdens < wazara, to bear a burden, take upon oneself: the vizier bears the duties actually incumbent upon the ruler] in the Ottoman Empire, a high officer in the… … English World dictionary
vizier — 1560s, from Turk. vezir counsellor, from Arabic wazir viceroy, lit. one who bears (the burden of office), lit. porter, carrier, from wazara he carried. But Klein says Arabic wazir is from Avestan viçira arbitrator, judge. He also says it replaced … Etymology dictionary
Vizier — For the astronomical catalog, see VizieR. For the Vizier of ancient Egypt, see Vizier (Ancient Egypt). Distinguish from visor. Arms of Ottoman Vizier A vizier ( … Wikipedia
vizier — vizierate /vi zear it, ayt, viz yeuhr it, yeuh rayt /, viziership, n. vizierial, adj. /vi zear , viz yeuhr/, n. (formerly) a high official in certain Muslim countries and caliphates, esp. a minister of state. Cf. grand vizier. Also, vizir. [1555… … Universalium
VizieR — The VizieR Catalogue Service is an astronomical catalog service provided by Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg.The origin of the ViZieR Catalogue Service dates back to 1993 as the ESA European Space Information System Catalogue Browser … Wikipedia
Vizier — The supreme chief of the government administration, who received his orders directly from the king. He was not only Minister of Justice, but was in charge of various departments including the police, public works, chancellery, treasury,… … Ancient Egypt
VizieR — Der VizieR Dienst des Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg ist eine astronomische Datenbank. Vizier bietet Astronomen einen Zugang zu vielen Katalogen und Datensammlungen aus der astronomischen Fachliteratur. Die Daten werden dabei in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
vizier — UK [vɪˈzɪə(r)] / US [vɪˈzɪr] noun [countable] Word forms vizier : singular vizier plural viziers an important government official in some Muslim countries in the past … English dictionary