- vistaed
- [ʹvıstəd] a
1. предстающий в воображении2. открывающий вид
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
vistaed — təd adjective 1. : affording or made to form a vista the vistaed galleries … of this palace Ruth Davidson 2. : seen in or as if in a vista up vistaed hopes I sped F.J.Thompson … Useful english dictionary
vistaed — adjective Date: 1835 1. affording or made to form a vista 2. seen in or as if in a vista … New Collegiate Dictionary
vistaed — /vis teuhd/, adj. 1. possessing or forming a vista or vistas. 2. viewed in or as in a mental vista. [1825 35; VISTA + ED3] * * * … Universalium
vistaed — adj. having a view … English contemporary dictionary
vistaed — vis·taed … English syllables
open — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. unclosed (see opening); unfilled, unengaged; free, public; unrestrained, unrestricted; frank, overt; spread out, unfolded, revealed. v. unfasten; unfold, spread out; reveal, disclose; start,… … English dictionary for students
vista — /ˈvɪstə / (say vistuh) noun 1. a view or prospect, especially one seen through a long, narrow avenue or passage, as between rows of trees, houses, or the like. 2. such an avenue or passage. 3. a mental view of a far reaching kind: vistas of… …
vista — n. 1 a long narrow view as between rows of trees. 2 a mental view of a long succession of remembered or anticipated events (opened up new vistas to his ambition). Derivatives: vistaed adj. Etymology: It., = view, f. visto seen, past part. of… … Useful english dictionary