- visiting fireman
- [͵vızıtıŋʹfaıəmən] амер. разг.
важный, влиятельный гость, которому необходимо оказать хороший приём
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
visiting fireman — visiting firemen N COUNT A visiting fireman is an important visitor, who gets special treatment. [AM] ...frequent conferences with law professors and visiting firemen … English dictionary
visiting fireman — ☆ visiting fireman n. Informal 1. an important person, esp. any of a group, visiting a city, organization, etc. and given an official welcome, special entertainment, etc. 2. a free spending tourist, conventioneer, etc … English World dictionary
visiting fireman — noun count AMERICAN an important visitor who receives special treatment … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
visiting fireman — 1. American a boisterous reveller Especially at conventions etc. some distance from home: ... a visiting fireman in search of a cheap thrill would get mugged and robbed. (McBain, 1981) 2. a person sent from headquarters to… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
visiting fireman — /vɪzətɪŋ ˈfaɪəmən/ (say vizuhting fuyuhmuhn) noun Colloquial a visiting member of high status in an organisation, such as a visiting professor in academic circles, a visiting director of a multinational company, etc …
visiting fireman — n. someone paying a visit to observe one’s workplace. □ We have a couple of visiting firemen coming today. □ Be sure to have these plans out when the visiting firemen come by … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
visiting fireman — Informal. 1. an influential person accorded special treatment while visiting an organization, industry, city, etc. 2. a visitor, as a tourist or vacationer, in a city, presumed to be a big spender. [1935 40] * * * … Universalium
visiting fireman — vis′iting fire′man n. Informal. inf an influential person accorded special treatment while visiting an organization, industry, city, etc … From formal English to slang
visiting fireman — noun Date: 1926 a usually important or influential visitor whom it is desirable or expedient to entertain impressively … New Collegiate Dictionary
visiting fireman — noun (C) especially AmE an important visitor that you need to entertain in a special way … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
visiting fireman — noun an important or distinguished visitor • Hypernyms: ↑visitor, ↑visitant … Useful english dictionary