- viscountship viscounty
viscountship, viscounty
1> титул виконта; виконтство
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Viscountship — Vis count ship, Viscounty Vis count y, n. [F. vicomt[ e].] The quality, rank, or office of a viscount. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Viscounty — Viscountship Vis count ship, Viscounty Vis count y, n. [F. vicomt[ e].] The quality, rank, or office of a viscount. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
viscountship — viˈscountcy or viˈscountship noun A viscounty • • • Main Entry: ↑viscount … Useful english dictionary
dukedom — Synonyms and related words: ally, archduchy, archdukedom, baronetcy, barony, body politic, buffer state, captive nation, chieftaincy, chieftainry, city state, colony, commonweal, commonwealth, country, county, domain, dominion, duchy, earldom,… … Moby Thesaurus
kingship — Synonyms and related words: acme, authority, authorization, baronetcy, barony, be all and end all, blue ribbon, caliphate, championship, command, control, czardom, directorship, dominion, dukedom, earldom, effectiveness, emperorship, empery,… … Moby Thesaurus
knighthood — Synonyms and related words: arms, art of war, baronetcy, barony, chivalry, dukedom, earldom, generalship, kingship, knight errantship, ladyship, lordship, marquisate, pashadom, princedom, princeship, queenship, seignioralty, seigniory, viscountcy … Moby Thesaurus
lordship — Synonyms and related words: acme, aedileship, archbishopric, archiepiscopacy, archiepiscopate, aristocracy, authority, authorization, baronetcy, barony, be all and end all, bishopric, blue ribbon, chairmanship, championship, chancellery,… … Moby Thesaurus
pashadom — Synonyms and related words: aedileship, archbishopric, archiepiscopacy, archiepiscopate, aristocracy, baronetcy, barony, bishopric, chairmanship, chancellery, chancellorate, chancellorship, chiefery, chiefry, chieftaincy, chieftainry,… … Moby Thesaurus
queenship — Synonyms and related words: baronetcy, barony, caliphate, czardom, dukedom, earldom, emperorship, empery, empire, imperialism, kaiserdom, kaisership, kinghood, kingship, knight errantship, knighthood, ladyship, lordship, majesty, marquisate,… … Moby Thesaurus
Osona — Osona, or Ausona (in Latin and Castilian), was one of the Catalan counties of the marca Hispanica in the Early and High Middle Ages. It was based around the capital city of Vic ( Vicus ) and the corresponding diocese, whose territory was roughly… … Wikipedia
County of Osona — Ausona redirects here. For the modern Catalan comarca, see Osona (comarca). For the Italian town, see Sessa Aurunca. The county of Ausona at the start, united with the other counties of Borrel (in brown). County of Osona (Catalan: Comtat d Osona … Wikipedia