- viewership
- [ʹvju:əʃıp] n
телезрители; телевизионная аудитория; зрительская аудитория
the film will receive a wide viewership - этот телефильм соберёт массовую аудиторию
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
the film will receive a wide viewership - этот телефильм соберёт массовую аудиторию
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
viewership — UK US /ˈvjuːəʃɪp/ noun [U] COMMUNICATIONS ► the type or number of people who watch a particular television programme or station: measure/monitor/track viewership »The People Meter is an electronic device that measures television viewership. a… … Financial and business terms
viewership — index bystander Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
viewership — ► NOUN (treated as sing. or pl. ) ▪ the audience for a particular television programme or channel … English terms dictionary
viewership — ☆ viewership [vyo͞o′ər ship΄ ] n. 1. the audience for a TV program 2. the size of such an audience … English World dictionary
viewership — /vyooh euhr ship /, n. an audience of viewers, esp. of television, either generally or of a particular kind or program: Viewership is at its peak in the evening hours. [1950 55; VIEWER + SHIP] * * * … Universalium
viewership — noun Date: 1954 a television audience especially with respect to size or makeup … New Collegiate Dictionary
viewership — noun collectively, the viewers of a television program … Wiktionary
viewership — noun [treated as sing. or plural] the audience for a particular television programme or channel … English new terms dictionary
viewership — viewer·ship … English syllables
viewership — view•er•ship [[t]ˈvyu ərˌʃɪp[/t]] n. 1) sbz an audience of television viewers 2) the number or makeup of such viewers • Etymology: 1950–55 … From formal English to slang
viewership — /ˈvjuəʃɪp/ (say vyoohuhship) noun the audience that watches a program, film, etc., on television …