
[ʹvıtlə] n
1. поставщик продовольствия (для армии и флота)
2. ресторатор, трактирщик

licensed victualler - владелец ресторана с подачей спиртных напитков

3. мор. судно снабжения; транспорт с продовольствием

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "victualler" в других словарях:

  • victualler — (US victualer) ► NOUN 1) Brit. a person who is licensed to sell alcoholic liquor. 2) dated a person providing or selling food or other provisions …   English terms dictionary

  • victualler — Victualer Vict ual*er, n. [F. victuailleur.] [Written also {victualler}.] 1. One who furnishes victuals. [1913 Webster] 2. One who keeps a house of entertainment; a tavern keeper; an innkeeper. Shak. [1913 Webster] 3. A vessel employed to carry… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • victualler — /ˈvɪtələ/ (say vituhluh), /ˈvɪtlə/ (say vitluh) noun 1. someone who furnishes victuals or provisions; a sutler. 2. a supply ship. 3. a licensed victualler. Also, US, victualer …  

  • victualler — n. (US victualer) 1 a a person etc. who supplies victuals. b (in full licensed victualler) Brit. a publican etc. licensed to sell alcoholic liquor. 2 a ship carrying stores for other ships. Etymology: ME f. OF vitaill(i)er, vitaillour (as… …   Useful english dictionary

  • victualler — or victualer noun Date: 1514 1. one that provisions an army, a navy, or a ship with food 2. the keeper of a restaurant or tavern 3. an army or navy provision ship …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • victualler — noun /ˈvɪtlə(ɹ)/ a) A supplier of victuals or supplies to an army. b) An innkeeper. Syn: provisioner, sutler, provider, innkeeper, supplier, ho …   Wiktionary

  • victualler — vict·ual·ler || vɪtlÉ™(r) n. one who supplies with food; owner of inn; supply carrying ship …   English contemporary dictionary

  • victualler —    obsolete the keeper of a brothel    He provided the meat1:     Falstaff... suffering flesh to be eaten in thy house contrary to the law; for the which I think thou wilt howl. Hostess All victuallers do so. (Shakespeare, 2 Henry IV note the two …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • victualler — [ vɪt(ə)lə] (US victualer) noun 1》 Brit. a person who is licensed to sell alcohol. 2》 dated a person providing or selling food or other provisions.     ↘a ship providing supplies for troops or other ships …   English new terms dictionary

  • victualler — n. 1. Tavern keeper, inn keeper, publican. 2. Provision ship. 3. [Scotch.] Corn factor …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • victualler — vict·ual·ler …   English syllables

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