
1. [vıkʹtɔ:rıən] n
человек эпохи королевы Виктории (особ. о писателе), викторианец
2. [vıkʹtɔ:rıən] a
1) относящийся к эпохе королевы Виктории (1837-1901 гг.), викторианский

Victorian furniture - мебель в стиле королевы Виктории (с богатой резьбой и плюшевой обивкой)

2) старомодный, устаревший; узкий, ограниченный, ханжеский; мещанский (о вкусе и т. п.)

Victorian manners - чопорность; жеманство; ханжество

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "victorian" в других словарях:

  • Victorian — may mean:* 19th century matters: **Victorian era **Victorian architecture **Victorian decorative arts **Victorian fashion **Victorian morality ** Victorianism in esthetics and manners **Victorian literature *Saint Victorian (disambiguation) See… …   Wikipedia

  • victorian — VICTORIÁN, Ă, victorieni, e, adj. Care se referă la epoca istoriei engleze corespunzătoare domniei reginei Victoria. [pr.: ri an] – Din fr. victorien, engl. victorian. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 08.03.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  victorián adj. m., pl.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Victorian — Vic*to ri*an, a. Of or pertaining to the reign of Queen Victoria of England; as, the Victorian poets. [1913 Webster] {Victorian period}. See {Dionysian period}, under {Dyonysian}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Victorian — steht für: Victorian (Schiff), das erste Transatlantik Passagierschiff mit Dampfturbinenantrieb Victorian (Schriftart), eine 1976 von Colin Brignall entworfene Schrifttype Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit d …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Victorian — Autres noms Victorian (1905 1922) Marloch (1922 1929) Type Paquebot transatlantique Histoire Lancement 25 août 1904 Mise en service 23 mars 1905 Statut …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Victorian — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to the reign of Queen Victoria (1837 1901). 2) relating to the attitudes and values associated with the Victorian period, especially those of prudishness and high moral tone. ► NOUN ▪ a person who lived during the… …   English terms dictionary

  • Victorian — (adj.) 1839, belonging to or typical of the reign of Queen VICTORIA (Cf. Victoria) of Great Britain (ruled 1837 1901). Figurative sense of typified by prudish or outdated attitudes is attested by 1934. The noun meaning a person from or typical of …   Etymology dictionary

  • Victorian — [vik tôr′ēən] adj. 1. of or characteristic of the period of the reign of Queen Victoria (1837 1901) 2. showing the middle class respectability, prudery, bigotry, etc. generally attributed to Victorian England 3. designating or of a style of… …   English World dictionary

  • Victorian — [adj] prudish conservative, conventional, demure, genteel, priggish*, prim, prissy*, proper, puritanical, respectable, rigid, smug, square, starchy*, stiff*, straitlaced, stuffy, uptight*; concept 401 …   New thesaurus

  • Victorián — San Victorián, abad Nacimiento finales del siglo V Italia Fallecimiento después de 551, c. 561 Asán, Huesca Venerado en Huesca …   Wikipedia Español

  • Victorian — [[t]vɪktɔ͟ːriən[/t]] Victorians 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n Victorian means belonging to, connected with, or typical of Britain in the middle and last parts of the 19th century, when Victoria was Queen. We have a lovely old Victorian house. ...a Victorian… …   English dictionary

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