- vibes
- I
[vaıbz] n употр. с гл. во мн. ч. муз. сл.
вибрафонII [vaıbz] n pl разг. = vibration 4
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Vibes — steht für: Vibes – Die übersinnliche Jagd nach der glühenden Pyramide, eine US amerikanische Abenteuerkomödie aus dem Jahr 1988 Vibes, ein Pseudonym des englischen Produzenten und DJs Space Cowboy Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärun … Deutsch Wikipedia
Vibes — Título El misterio de la pirámide de oro (España) Ficha técnica Dirección Ken Kwapis Producción Deborah Blum Tony Ganz … Wikipedia Español
vibes — [vaıbz] n [plural] informal 1.) the good or bad feelings that a particular person, place, or situation seems to produce and that you react to good/bad etc vibes ▪ I have good vibes about this contract. 2.) a ↑vibraphone … Dictionary of contemporary English
Vibes — 〈[vaıbs] Pl.; Kurzw. für〉 Vibrations * * * Vibes [englisch, vaɪbz], Kurzform für Vibraphon … Universal-Lexikon
Vibes — Patronyme rencontré surtout dans l Ariège. Variante de Vives (voir ce nom) … Noms de famille
vibes — ☆ vibes [vībz ] pl.n. 1. VIBRAPHONE 2. [< VIBRATION] Slang qualities in a person or thing that are thought of as being like vibrations which produce an emotional reaction in others … English World dictionary
Vibes (DJ) — DJ Vibes is an Essex man who has been DJing since 1991. He was first inspired by his Father who played Soul on a pirate radio station. He decided to start his own radio station to play the slower kind of Garage that was around back then. He would … Wikipedia
Vibes — Infobox Film name = Vibes image size = 200px caption = Ad for Vibes from 1988 Los Angeles Times director = Ken Kwapis producer = Deborah Blum Tony Ganz writer = Lowell Ganz Deborah Blum narrator = starring = Cyndi Lauper Jeff Goldblum music =… … Wikipedia
vibes — • vibrations • vibes noun Psychic emanations radiating from an object, situation, or person. I don t think this relationship will work out this guy has given me bad vibes … Словарь американских идиом
vibes — noun (plural) informal 1 the good or bad feelings that a particular person, group of people, or situation seems to produce and that you react to: good/bad/strange vibes: I m getting strange vibes from this guy, I think he s maybe lying to us. 2 a … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
vibes — [vaibz] n. vibrations; atmosphere; feelings. (Usually with good or bad.) □ I just don’t get good vibes about this deal. □ The vibes are just plain bad … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions