- viaduct
- [ʹvaıədʌkt] n
виадук, путепровод
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Viaduct — Laigh Milton Viaduct in Ayrshire is the oldest surviving railway bridge in Scotland Ancestor Trestle bridge, Box girder bridge Related None … Wikipedia
viaduct — VIADÚCT, viaducte, s.n. Construcţie de piatră, de beton sau de metal care susţine o cale de comunicaţie terestră, traversând o vale la mare înălţime. [pr.: vi a ] – Din fr. viaduc, germ. Viadukt. Trimis de ana zecheru, 24.03.2009. Sursa: DEX 98 … Dicționar Român
Viaduct — Vi a*duct, n. [L. via a way + duct, as in aqueduct: cf. F. viaduc. See {Via}, and {Aqueduct}.] A structure of considerable magnitude, usually with arches or supported on trestles, for carrying a road, as a railroad, high above the ground or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Viaduct — Viaduct, ein Bauwerk, mittelst dessen ein Weg über ein Thal, einen Einschnitt, überhaupt in einer größeren Höhe über der natürlichen Bodenfläche geführt wird u. zwar ohne einen Damm, demnach vermittels Bogenstellungen od. mittels auf Pfeilern… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Viaduct — Viaduct, lat. deutsch, Ueberbrückung eines Thales etc. auf Bogen, kommt besonders bei Eisenbahnbauten vor … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
viaduct — (n.) 1816, from L. via road + duct as in AQUEDUCT (Cf. aqueduct). Fr. viaduc is an English loan word … Etymology dictionary
viaduct — ► NOUN ▪ a long bridge like structure carrying a road or railway across a valley or other low ground. ORIGIN from Latin via way , on the pattern of aqueduct … English terms dictionary
viaduct — [vī′ə dukt΄] n. [L via (see VIA) + (AQUE)DUCT] a long bridge consisting of a series of short spans supported on piers or towers, usually to carry a road or railroad over a valley, gorge, etc … English World dictionary
viaduct — /vuy euh dukt /, n. a bridge for carrying a road, railroad, etc., over a valley or the like, consisting of a number of short spans. [1810 20; < L via way + (AQUE)DUCT] * * * ▪ bridge type of long bridge or series of bridges, usually supported by … Universalium
viaduct — UK [ˈvaɪəˌdʌkt] / US noun [countable] Word forms viaduct : singular viaduct plural viaducts a long bridge on high posts, usually across a valley … English dictionary
viaduct — noun Viaduct is used after these nouns: ↑railway … Collocations dictionary