
[vekʹseıʃəs] a
1. огорчительный, досадный, неприятный; раздражающий

vexatious to smb. - причиняющий кому-л. беспокойство /неприятности/; раздражающий кого-л.

it is most vexatious to miss the train - очень досадно /неприятно, обидно/ опоздать на поезд

moving house is a vexatious business - переезд - дело хлопотное /канительное/

2. беспокойный, тревожный

vexatious life - жизнь, полная треволнений

vexatious neighbour - беспокойный /надоедливый/ сосед

continual vexatious wars - беспрестанные войны, нарушающие покой (народов)

3. обременительный, стеснительный (о правиле и т. п.); мелочный, носящий характер придирки

vexatious tax - обременительный налог; налог, вызывающий недовольство населения

4. юр. сутяжнический

vexatious suit - иск, предъявленный из пристрастия к тяжбам

vexatious action /proceeding/ - судебное дело, возбуждённое сутягой

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "vexatious" в других словарях:

  • Vexatious — Vex*a tious, a. [See {Vexation}.] 1. Causing vexation; agitating; afflictive; annoying; as, a vexatious controversy; a vexatious neighbor. Continual vexatious wars. South. [1913 Webster] 2. Full or vexation, trouble, or disquiet; disturbed. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • vexatious — vex‧a‧tious [vekˈseɪʆəs] adjective LAW vexatious legal actions are not serious or based on the truth, but are done only to annoy someone: • We may have found a way to get around vexatious shareholder litigation. * * * vexatious UK US /vekˈseɪʃəs/ …   Financial and business terms

  • vexatious — vex·a·tious /vek sā shəs/ adj: lacking a sufficient ground and serving only to annoy or harass when viewed objectively disciplined the attorney for engaging in vexatious litigation Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • vexatious — An act done by a person in order to annoy, embarrass or otherwise aggravate that person. (Dictionary of Canadian Bankruptcy Terms) United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012 …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • vexatious — (adj.) 1530s; see VEXATION (Cf. vexation) + OUS (Cf. ous). Related: Vexatiously; vexatiousness …   Etymology dictionary

  • vexatious — [adj] distressing, bothersome afflicting, aggravating, annoying, burdensome, disagreeable, disappointing, disturbing, exasperating, irksome, irritating, mean, nagging, pesky*, provoking, teasing, tormenting, troublesome, troublous, trying, ugly,… …   New thesaurus

  • vexatious — ► ADJECTIVE 1) causing annoyance or worry. 2) Law denoting an action or the bringer of an action that is brought without sufficient grounds for winning, purely to cause annoyance to the defendant …   English terms dictionary

  • vexatious — [veks ā′shəs] adj. 1. characterized by or causing vexation; annoying, troublesome, etc. 2. Law instituted without real grounds, chiefly to cause annoyance to the defendant: said of legal actions vexatiously adv …   English World dictionary

  • vexatious — adjective Date: 1534 1. a. causing vexation ; distressing < vexatious delays > b. intended to harass < a vexatious lawsuit > 2. full of disorder or stress ; troubled < a vexatious period in her life …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • vexatious — vexatiously, adv. vexatiousness, n. /vek say sheuhs/, adj. 1. causing vexation; troublesome; annoying: a vexatious situation. 2. Law. (of legal actions) instituted without sufficient grounds and serving only to cause annoyance to the defendant. 3 …   Universalium

  • vexatious — adjective a) Causing vexation, annoyance, trouble, or the like; teasing; annoying; troublesome. He leads a vexatious life. Sir K. Digby. b) Full of trouble or disquiet; harassed; distressed; …   Wiktionary

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