- venous
- [ʹvi:nəs] a
1. физиол. венозный
venous blood - венозная кровь
venous pulse - венный /венозный/ пульс
2. бот. жилковатый3. геол. жильныйvenous rock - жильная порода
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
venous blood - венозная кровь
venous pulse - венный /венозный/ пульс
venous rock - жильная порода
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Venous — Ven ous, a. [L. venosus, from vena a vein. See {Vein}.] 1. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to a vein or veins; as, the venous circulation of the blood. [1913 Webster] 2. Contained in the veins, or having the same qualities as if contained in the veins,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
venous — [vē′nəs] adj. [L venosus] 1. Biol. a) of a vein or veins b) having veins or full of veins; veiny 2. Physiol. designating blood being carried in the veins back to the heart and lungs: venous blood has given up oxygen and taken up carbon dioxide,… … English World dictionary
venous — 1620s, from L. venosus full of veins, from vena (see VEIN (Cf. vein)) … Etymology dictionary
venous — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to a vein or the veins … English terms dictionary
venous — Relating to a vein or to the veins. SYN: phleboid (2). [L. venosus] * * * ve·nous vē nəs adj 1 a) full of or characterized by veins b) made up of or carried on by veins <the venous circulation> 2) of, relating to, or performing the… … Medical dictionary
venous — adjective Etymology: Latin venosus, from vena vein Date: 1626 1. of, relating to, or full of veins < a venous thrombosis > < a venous rock > 2. of blood having passed through the capillaries and given up oxygen for the tissues and become charged… … New Collegiate Dictionary
venous — adjective a) Of or pertaining to veins. Her venous circulation was poor, leading to varicose veins. b) Possessing veins. It was a sample of venous tissue. See Also: intravenous, venal … Wiktionary
venous — [[t]vi͟ːnəs[/t]] ADJ: ADJ n Venous is used to describe something which is related to veins. [MEDICAL] ...venous blood … English dictionary
venous — adj. Venous is used with these nouns: ↑blood … Collocations dictionary
venous — Pertaining to the veins, or more broadly to include both venous AND lymphatic circulation … Herbal-medical glossary
Venous Translucence — Venous translumination or translucence, has been applied in phlebology since 1996 by the surgeon Pedro Fernandes Neto, during ambulatory clinical exams (Brazil). The results were registered in annals of national and international congresses of… … Wikipedia