
1. [ʹve(ə)rı] n редк.
2. [ʹve(ə)rı] v
1. 1) менять, изменять; вносить изменения

old people not like to vary their habits - пожилые люди не любят менять свои привычки

2) меняться, изменяться

to vary a few minutes one way or the other - колебаться в пределах нескольких минут

to vary directly [inversely] - мат. изменяться прямо [обратно] пропорционально

his mood varies from day to day - его настроение ежедневно меняется

the prices vary with the season - цены зависят от сезона

2. (часто from) разниться; расходиться; отклоняться; отличаться

to vary from the type - отклоняться от типа

the second edition varied little from the first - второе издание мало отличалось от первого

the training of engineers varies from sector to sector - подготовка инженеров в различных отраслях различна

opinions vary on this point - мнения по этому вопросу расходятся

witnesses varied from their former depositions - свидетели отошли от своих прежних показаний

as to the date, authors vary - относительно даты авторы расходятся во мнениях

3. разнообразить

to vary the men - и разнообразить меню

4. муз. писать или исполнять вариации (на тему)
5. биол. обладать изменчивостью, изменяться

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "vary" в других словарях:

  • vary — var‧y [ˈveəri ǁ ˈveri] verb varied PTandPP 1. [intransitive, transitive] if rates, costs, prices etc vary, or something varies them, they change when economic conditions change: • Many professional investors vary the proportions of their… …   Financial and business terms

  • Vary — Va ry, v. i. 1. To alter, or be altered, in any manner; to suffer a partial change; to become different; to be modified; as, colors vary in different lights. [1913 Webster] That each from other differs, first confess; Next, that he varies from… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vary — Va ry, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Varied}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Varying}.] [OE. varien, F. varier, L. variare, fr. varius various. See {Various}, and cf. {Variate}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To change the aspect of; to alter in form, appearance, substance,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vary — is a given name, and may refer to:* Judyth Vary Baker (born 1943), woman who claimed to have an affair with Lee Harvey Oswald * Ralph Vary Chamberlin (1879 1967), American zoologistee also* Variation …   Wikipedia

  • vary — I verb alter, alternate, assort, be inconstant, be unlike, change, contrast, depart, deviate, differ, diverge, diversify, exchange, fluctuate, give variety, innovate, interchange, make a change, make different, modify, mutare, mutate, reorganize …   Law dictionary

  • vary — [ver′ē, var′ē] vt. varied, varying [ME varien < OFr varier < L variare, to vary, change < varius, various, prob. < IE base * wa , to bend, turn > VACILLATE] 1. to change in form, appearance, nature, substance, etc.; alter; modify 2 …   English World dictionary

  • vary — ver ē, var ē vi, var·ied; vary·ing to exhibit divergence in structural or physiological characters from the typical form …   Medical dictionary

  • Vary — Va ry, n. Alteration; change. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • vary — (v.) mid 14c. (transitive); late 14c. (intransitive), from O.Fr. varier, from L. variare change, alter, make different, from varius varied, different, spotted; perhaps related to varus bent, crooked, knock kneed, and varix varicose vein, from a… …   Etymology dictionary

  • vary — 1 * change, alter, modify Analogous words: deviate, diverge, digress, depart (see SWERVE): *transform, metamorphose, convert 2 *differ, disagree, dissent Analogous words: deviate, diverge, digress, depart (see SWERVE): *separate …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • vary — [v] change alter, alternate, assort, be unlike, blow hot and cold*, convert, depart, deviate, differ, digress, disagree, displace, dissent, divaricate, diverge, diversify, divide, fluctuate, hem and haw*, inflect, interchange, modify, mutate,… …   New thesaurus

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