- variety store
- [vəʹraıətıstɔ:]
галантерейный магазин; универсальный магазин
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Variety store — a retail store selling a wide variety of items, especially of low price, as in a {five and ten}. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
variety store — UK US noun [C] US COMMERCE ► a store that sells many different things at low prices: »In Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, variety stores and conventional self service outlets are experiencing a decline in growth … Financial and business terms
variety store — ☆ variety store n. a retail store that sells a wide variety of relatively small and inexpensive items … English World dictionary
variety store — index market (business) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Variety store — 100 Emon at Kohnoike Higashi Osaka City Dollar store redirects here. For Cuban shops that exchange solely in hard currency, see Dollar store (Cuba). Big N redirects here. For the Japanese corporation, see Nintendo. 99 cents store redirects here.… … Wikipedia
variety store — noun also variety shop : a retail establishment dealing in a large variety of merchandise especially of low unit value compare five and ten, general store * * * noun, pl ⋯ stores [count] US : a store that sells many different kinds of products… … Useful english dictionary
variety store — {n.} A store that sells many different kinds of things, especially items that are fairly small and in everyday use. * /I went into a variety store and bought some paint./ * /Five and ten cent stores are a kind of variety store./ … Dictionary of American idioms
variety store — {n.} A store that sells many different kinds of things, especially items that are fairly small and in everyday use. * /I went into a variety store and bought some paint./ * /Five and ten cent stores are a kind of variety store./ … Dictionary of American idioms
variety\ store — noun A store that sells many different kinds of things, especially items that are fairly small and in everyday use. I went into a variety store and bought some paint. Five and ten cent stores are a kind of variety store … Словарь американских идиом
variety store — noun A shop where many small and inexpensive items can be bought. the enduring old variety store that sells out of town newspapers, warm unshelled peanuts, and dirty magazines for queers as well as straights … Wiktionary
variety store — Synonyms and related words: boutique, chain store, co op, concession, cooperative, countinghouse, country store, department store, dime store, discount house, discount store, emporium, establishment, five and ten, general store, house, magasin,… … Moby Thesaurus