
[ʹve(ə)rıəns] n
1. изменение; колебание

variances in temperature - колебания температуры

fortune's variance - поэт. изменчивость судьбы

2. часто юр. расхождение, несоответствие; противоречие (в показаниях и т. п.)

to be at variance - а) расходиться во мнениях, не соглашаться; historians are at variance on this point - мнения историков по этому вопросу расходятся; б) противоречить, не совпадать; the witnesses are at variance - показания свидетелей расходятся /не согласуются/; the theory is at variance with all that is known on the subject - эта теория идёт вразрез со всем, что известно по этому предмету; [см. тж. 3]

3. разногласие; спор; конфликт; ссора

(to be) at variance - в ссоре [см. тж. 2]

family at variance - недружная семья

states at variance - государства, между которыми возник конфликт /спор/

to set at variance - ссорить, вызывать, конфликт

I have had a slight variance with him - у меня с ним произошла размолвка

4. биол. отклонение от вида, типа
5. спец. степень свободы
6. стат. дисперсия; среднее отклонение

analysis of variance - дисперсионный анализ

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Смотреть что такое "variance" в других словарях:

  • variance — [ varjɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1904; de variant, p. prés. de varier, d apr. invariant, covariant 1 ♦ Sc. Nombre de conditions définissant un système physique ou chimique et que l on peut faire varier arbitrairement sans détruire l état d équilibre du… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • variance — var·i·ance / ver ē əns/ n 1: a disagreement between two documents or positions; esp: a disagreement between allegations (as in an indictment or complaint) and proof offered at trial that warrants an appropriate remedy (as a directed verdict or an …   Law dictionary

  • Variance — Va ri*ance, n. [L. variantia.] [1913 Webster] 1. The quality or state of being variant; change of condition; variation. [1913 Webster] 2. Difference that produce dispute or controversy; disagreement; dissension; discord; dispute; quarrel. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • variance — The phrase at variance should be followed by with, not from: • The pace at which strategy was being implemented was at variance with the quick decision making this business requires Guardian, 2006 …   Modern English usage

  • variance — mid 14c., fact of undergoing change, from O.Fr. variance, from L. variantia, from variare to change (see VARY (Cf. vary)). Meaning state of disagreement is recorded from early 15c. The U.S. zoning sense of official dispensation from a building… …   Etymology dictionary

  • variance — ► NOUN 1) (usu. in phrase at variance with) the fact or quality of being different or inconsistent. 2) the state of disagreeing or quarrelling. 3) chiefly Law a discrepancy between two statements or documents …   English terms dictionary

  • variance — [ver′ē əns, var′ē əns] n. [OFr < L variantia < L varians, prp. of variare, to VARY] 1. the quality, state, or fact of varying or being variant; a changing or tendency to change 2. degree of change or difference; divergence; discrepancy 3.… …   English World dictionary

  • variance — *discord, contention, dissension, difference, strife, conflict Analogous words: difference, diversity, divergency, disparateness (see corresponding adjectives at DIFFERENT): separation, division, severing, sundering (see corresponding verbs at… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • variance — [n] difference about face*, argument, change, conflict, contention, deviation, difference of opinion, different strokes*, disaccord, disagreement, discord, discrepancy, dissension, dissent, dissidence, disunity, divergence, diversity, division,… …   New thesaurus

  • Variance — In probability theory and statistics, the variance of a random variable, probability distribution, or sample is one measure of statistical dispersion, averaging the squared distance of its possible values from the expected value (mean). Whereas… …   Wikipedia

  • Variance — A measure of dispersion of a set of data points around their mean value. The mathematical expectation of the squared deviations from the mean. The square root of the variance is the standard deviation. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * *… …   Financial and business terms

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