- vanadate
- [ʹvænədeıt] n хим.
ванадат, соль ванадиевой кислоты
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Vanadate — Van a*date, n. [Cf. F. vanadate.] (Chem.) A salt of vanadic acid. [Formerly also {vanadiate}.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vanadate — [vanadat] n. m. ÉTYM. V. 1830; de vanad(ium), et ate. ❖ ♦ Chim. Sel simple ou complexe dérivé d un acide vanadique. || « Du vanadate de plomb qui constitue le principal minerai de vanadium » (Rev. gén. des sc., 30 juin 1904, no 12, p. 616) … Encyclopédie Universelle
Vanadate — [v ], Singular Vanadat das, (e)s, Vanadiumverbindungen … Universal-Lexikon
vanadate — [van′ə dāt΄] n. a salt or ester of vanadic acid … English World dictionary
Vanadate — Struktur der Orthovanadiumsäure H3VO4 Vanadate sind die Salze der in freier Form nicht existenten Vanadium Säuren HxVyOz. Die Vanadate selbst sind in wässriger Lösung stabil, wobei die auftretenden Formen vom pH Wert der Lösung abhängen. Einige… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Vanadate — In chemistry a vanadate is a compound containing an oxoanion of vanadium generally in its highest oxidation state of +5. The simplest vanadate ion is the tetrahedral, orthovanadate, VO43− anion, which is present in e.g. sodium orthovanadate and… … Wikipedia
Vanadate — Ion vanadate En chimie, un vanadate est un composé comportant l oxoanion du vanadium en général à son degré d oxydation le plus élevé, +5. Le plus simple élément de cette famille est l ion tétraédrique vanadate ou orthovanadate, l anion VO43−,… … Wikipédia en Français
vanadate — (= VO43 ) Powerful inhibitor of many, but not all enzymes that cleave the terminal phosphate bond of ATP. The vanadate ion is believed to act as an analogue of the transition state of the cleavage reaction. Dynein is very sensitive to inhibition… … Dictionary of molecular biology
vanadate mineral — Vanadate minerals Vanadate minerals any of the many naturally occurring compounds of vanadium (V), oxygen (O), and various metals; most of these minerals are rare, having crystallized under very restricted conditions. Although vanadinite… … Universalium
Vanadate d'ammonium — Général Synonymes monovanadate d ammonium No CAS … Wikipédia en Français
Vanadate minerals — ▪ Table Vanadate minerals name colour lustre Mohs hardness specific gravity carnotite bright yellow to lemon or greenish yellow dull or earthy soft 4–5 descloizite brownish red to blackish brown; various shades from orange red to black and green… … Universalium