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Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "blacklist" в других словарях:

  • blacklist — black‧list [ˈblækˌlɪst] noun [countable] a list of people, organizations, or countries that are disapproved of and that people avoid doing business with, for example because they are dishonest: • The companies had been placed on the blacklist… …   Financial and business terms

  • blacklist — index bar (exclude), denounce (condemn), isolate, ostracism Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Blacklist — Black list , v. t. To put in a black list as deserving of suspicion, censure, or punishment; esp. to put in a list of persons stigmatized as insolvent or untrustworthy, as tradesmen and employers do for mutual protection; as, to blacklist a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blacklist — ► NOUN ▪ a list of people or groups regarded as unacceptable or untrustworthy. ► VERB ▪ put on a blacklist …   English terms dictionary

  • blacklist — [blak′list΄] n. a list of persons who have been censured and who are being discriminated against, refused employment, etc. vt. to put on a blacklist …   English World dictionary

  • blacklist — (n.) also black list, black list, list of persons who have incurred suspicion, 1610s, from BLACK (Cf. black) (adj.), here indicative of disgrace, censure, punishment (attested from 1590s, in black book). Specifically of employers list of workers… …   Etymology dictionary

  • blacklist — [v] ban banish, bar, blackball, boycott, debar, exclude, expel, hit list*, ostracize, preclude, proscribe, put on hit list*, reject, repudiate, snub, thumbs down*, vote against; concept 25 Ant. accept, allow, ask in, permit, welcome …   New thesaurus

  • Blacklist — A blacklist is a list or register of persons who, for one reason or another, are being denied a particular privilege, service, mobility, access or recognition. As a verb, to blacklist can mean to deny someone work in a particular field, or to… …   Wikipedia

  • Blacklist — En Internet una blacklist es un registro o lista negra , donde se registran IP de empresas que hacen Spam. Las blacklist son libres de tal forma que alguien de manera malintencionada puede meternos en su blacklist e impedir que p.e. nuestros… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • blacklist — I UK [ˈblækˌlɪst] / US verb [transitive, often passive] Word forms blacklist : present tense I/you/we/they blacklist he/she/it blacklists present participle blacklisting past tense blacklisted past participle blacklisted a) to keep a record of… …   English dictionary

  • blacklist — [[t]blæ̱klɪst[/t]] blacklists, blacklisting, blacklisted 1) N COUNT If someone is on a blacklist, they are seen by a government or other organization as being one of a number of people who cannot be trusted or who have done something wrong. A… …   English dictionary

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