- valorize
- [ʹvæləraız] v эк.
1. повышать цены, особ. путём государственных мероприятий
subsidies to valorize coffee - субсидии для повышения цены на кофе
2. ревалоризировать (валюту)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
subsidies to valorize coffee - субсидии для повышения цены на кофе
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
valorize — [val′ər īz΄] vt. valorized, valorizing [Port valorizar: see VALORIZATION] 1. to stabilize or fix the price of by valorization 2. to confer value or greater value upon [to valorize the achievements of a minor poet] … English World dictionary
valorize — index calculate, gauge Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
valorize — UK US (UK also valorise) /ˈvæləraɪz/ verb [T] ECONOMICS ► to decide the value of goods, resources, etc., in order to agree the price that should be charged for them valorization (UK also valorisation) noun [U] ► »the valorization of natural… … Financial and business terms
valorize — 1921, from valor (see VALORIZATION (Cf. valorization)) + IZE (Cf. ize) … Etymology dictionary
valorize — (Amer.) val·or·ize || vælÉ™raɪz v. establish and maintain the high price of a certain commodity through governmental channels (also valorise) … English contemporary dictionary
valorize — (also valorise) ► VERB ▪ give or ascribe value or validity to. DERIVATIVES valorization noun. ORIGIN from French valorisation, from valeur value … English terms dictionary
valorize — transitive verb ( rized; rizing) Etymology: Portuguese valorizar, from valor value, price, from Medieval Latin Date: circa 1906 1. to enhance or try to enhance the price, value, or status of by organized and usually governmental action < using… … New Collegiate Dictionary
valorize — valorization, n. /val euh ruyz /, v.t., valorized, valorizing. to provide for the maintaining of the value or price of (a commercial commodity) by a government s purchasing the commodity at the fixed price or by its making special loans to the… … Universalium
valorize — verb a) To give something a value b) To fix the price of something artificially … Wiktionary
valorize — or valorise valərʌɪz verb give or ascribe value or validity to. ↘artificially raise or fix the price or value of. Derivatives valorization noun Origin 1920s: back form. from valorization (from Fr. valorisation, from valeur value ) … English new terms dictionary
valorize — val·o·rize … English syllables