- uzbek
- 1. [ʹʋzbek] n
1. узбек; узбечка
the Uzbeks - собир. узбеки
2. узбекский язык2. [ʹʋzbek] aузбекскийUzbek Soviet Socialist Republic - ист. Узбекская Советская Социалистическая Республика, УзССР
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
the Uzbeks - собир. узбеки
Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic - ист. Узбекская Советская Социалистическая Республика, УзССР
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Uzbek — can mean:*The Uzbek language *The Uzbek peoplenote:To distinguish between the nationality and the ethnicity, use the adjective Uzbekistani for the citizens of Uzbekistan … Wikipedia
Ùzbek — (Uzbekistánac) m (Uzbekìstānka ž) 〈N mn Uzbekistánci〉 stanovnik ili državljanin Uzbekistana … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
Uzbek — Ùzbek (Uzbekistánac) m (Uzbekìstānka ž) <N mn Uzbekistánci> DEFINICIJA stanovnik ili državljanin Uzbekistana ETIMOLOGIJA vidi Uzbekistan … Hrvatski jezični portal
Uzbek — [ooz′bek, uz′bek΄] n. 1. a member of a Turkic people living mainly in Uzbekistan and neighboring regions 2. the Turkic language of this people adj. of the Uzbeks or their language or culture … English World dictionary
Uzbek — /ooz bek, uz , ooz bek /, n., pl. Uzbeks, (esp. collectively) Uzbek. 1. a member of a town dwelling Turkic people of Turkestan and Uzbekistan. 2. the Turkic language of the Uzbeks. Also, Usbeg, Usbek, Uzbeg. * * * ▪ people any member of a… … Universalium
Uzbek — 1. noun a) A person from Uzbekistan or of Uzbek descent. b) The language of Uzbekistan. 2. adjective Of, from, or pertaining to Uzbekistan, the Uzbek people or the Uzbek language … Wiktionary
uzbek — ● ouzbek ou uzbek adjectif et nom D Ouzbékistan. ● ouzbek ou uzbek nom masculin Langue turque parlée par les Ouzbeks. (Il s écrit en cyrillique.) … Encyclopédie Universelle
Uzbek — ISO 639 3 Code : uzb ISO 639 2/B Code : uzb ISO 639 2/T Code : uzb ISO 639 1 Code : uz Scope : Macrolanguage Language Type : Living Individual languages : Identifier : uzn Name: Northern Uzbek Individual languages : Identifier : uzs Name:… … Names of Languages ISO 639-3
Uzbek — or Uzbeg noun Date: 1616 1. a member of a Turkic people of Uzbekistan and adjacent regions of central Asia 2. the Turkic language of the Uzbek people … New Collegiate Dictionary
uzbek — ouzbek uzbek … Dictionnaire des rimes
Uzbek — [ ʊzbɛk, ʌz ] noun 1》 a member of a Turkic people living mainly in Uzbekistan. ↘a native or national of Uzbekistan. 2》 the Turkic language of Uzbekistan. Origin the name in Uzbek … English new terms dictionary