blackface — ☆ blackface [blak′fās΄] adj. having a black or blackened face n. black makeup used by a performer, as in a minstrel show … English World dictionary
Blackface — For other uses, see Blackface (disambiguation). This reproduction of a 1900 William H. West minstrel show poster, originally published by the Strobridge Litho Co., shows the transformation from white to black . Blackface is a form of theatrical… … Wikipedia
Blackface — Demande de traduction Blackface → Blackface … Wikipédia en Français
Blackface — Reproduktion eines Minstrel Show Plakats aus dem Jahre 1900. Es zeigt die Verwandlung von „weiß“ nach „schwarz“. Blackface ist eine rassistisch geprägte Theater und Unterhaltungsmaskerade, die in den Minstrel Shows des 19. Jahrhunderts in den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Blackface — This term refers to performers blacking up with burnt cork to play exaggerated versions of African Americans, typically in minstrel shows and early musicals, although white actors in blackface often played African American characters in… … The Historical Dictionary of the American Theater
blackface — /blak fays /, n. 1. Theat. a. an entertainer, esp. one in a minstrel show, made up in the role of a black. b. the makeup, as burnt cork, used in this role: They performed in blackface. 2. Print. a heavy faced type. [1695 1705; BLACK + FACE] * * * … Universalium
Blackface Highland — Blackface Highland, U.S. Scottish Blackface … Useful english dictionary
Blackface (album) — Infobox Album Name = Blackface Type = studio Artist = Shai Released = September 26, 1995 Recorded = 1995 Genre = R B Length = 53:17 Label = Gasoline Alley, MCA Producer = Shai Reviews = Last album = Right Back at Cha (1993) This album = Blackface … Wikipedia
blackface — noun Date: 1869 makeup applied to a performer playing a black person especially in a minstrel show; also a performer wearing such makeup … New Collegiate Dictionary
blackface — noun a style of theatrical makeup in which a white person blackens the face in order to represent a negro … Wiktionary
blackface — n. theatrical makeup used by a performer impersonating a black person; performer who wears such makeup … English contemporary dictionary